


从案例研究中可以看出李勇具有专制的领导风格。根据这种领导风格,领导者依赖于他们的个人工作方式,这就是为什么如果他们把任务分配给其他下属,那么他们觉得有必要不断检查和不断的执行任务(Robbins et al,2015) 。这是这种领导风格的弱点。因为独裁领导人不相信激励,而是相信完成他们的工作。 Yong Lee的这种行为使得员工和下属感到不舒服,不信任。



Behavior of ‘Yong Lee’
Yong Lee as apparent from the case study has an autocratic leadership style. According to this leadership style, leaders are dependent on their individual ways of working and this is the reason why if they allocate tasks to other subordinates then they feel the need to keep checking and constantly apprehending the tasks in action (Robbins et al, 2015). This is the weakness of this leadership style. Because autocratic leaders do not believe in motivating but believe in getting their work done. This behavior of Yong Lee was making the employees and subordinates feel uncomfortable and untrusted.

Lack of Mutual Understanding between ‘Yong Lee’ and ‘Employee’
An incidence can be quoted here in order to explain the lack of mutual cooperation and understanding that prevailed between Yong Lee and her subordinates. According to the subordinates however it was felt that the change which has been implemented is a sudden instigation from Yong Lee without letting the employees know why such procedures have been implemented and whether there is really a requirement for the same or not. A trainee accountant, for example Nafisa, reported that she had provided suggestions on improving the system of reporting related to expenses of sales (Robbins et al, 2015). After few weeks, in which various drafts were provided by her to Yong Lee, an updated method was incorporated and implemented depending upon Nafisa’s ideas. Yong Lee in turn issues the same procedure to the personnel of sales and accounting with an impression that it was her idea and she had done to analysis to come with such a proposal. This made all subordinates feel de-motivated because they were not appreciated for the tasks that they did. Their skills enhanced training and opportunities creation for promotion were no-where offered to the employees.