





Holders of shares or special stock in an organization are entitled to receive the dividends on a rate that is decided in the beginning of the investment. In case of negligence that is willful will be considered as the violation and directors of the company will be liable for this act because these activities were conducted under their supervision. After six years when the dividends are paid and unlawful stock redemption is conducted, full amount of the dividend is still not paid. In his situation also the director will be liable. If some director was absent on the day or has not agreed to do such act can be out from this liability.

If a claim is held against a director and other directors have also voted against him for concurrence of unlawful acts in the case of stock redemption, sock purchase, issues and shares he will be liable to pay the full amount to the holders (Carmichael and Graham, 2012). It is advised to Henry that the company is obliged to pay the dividend to the shareholders when the commitment has been conducted. As he is starting a new business in the form of expansion, profits will be low in the beginning so he will not be able to pay the dividends to the holders. This money will be reinvested in the future growth of the company. This agreement needs to be done with the investors who are investing in the new company and if they agree they will not ask for dividends because dividends are other income for the investors.