


在当今数字化时代,这是世界上最大的争论之一。在同样的问题上,人与人之间存在着差异。数字媒体在新时代的媒体中越来越重要,印刷媒体也成功地利用了自己的优势。有一些观察发现,数字媒体有outlook打印媒体,而在很多情况下,打印媒体被认为是更重要的(Adoni, 1985)。此外,人们还会讨论,印刷媒体的消亡并不是什么新鲜事,而且已经存在了很长一段时间。过去曾发生过一些事件,据观察,印刷媒体用处不大或毫无用处。这不是什么新鲜事。每次都有类似的情况发生。对印刷媒体来说,环境总是更具挑战性。在当今时代,随着网络的成长,当前的全球和金融危机正在冲击新闻行业和商业环境(汉密尔顿,2001)。

在数字化的推动下,2016年的广告支出增长了15.5%。”“记者是在争夺读者,而不是新闻。这是新的。“研究表明,到2020年,移动广告将占媒体支出的15-20%。”《费城每日新闻》、《洛杉矶时报》和《芝加哥论坛报》——在过去几年里,纸媒巨头很少破产。这一趋势最近也得到了观察。据观察,目前有许多出版商由于缺乏资金而不得不停止出版进程。这是因为直接影响公司业务的人的利益较少。从过去可以观察到,每年有数百万份杂志和报纸因为没有人阅读而被烧毁(Edgerly, 2015)。很多时候,人们观察到这些杂志必须以最低的价格或没有价格出售,因为他们没有得到买家(Dupagne, 1994)。这不是最近的趋势,但从过去就可以观察到。


In the present era of digitization this is one of the largest debates in the world. There is a discrepancy on the same among the people. While, digital media has been gaining important in the new age media, print media has also been successful in capitalizing on its feathers. There has been a number of observations where it has been found that digital media has outlook print media while in many cases print media is considered to be of higher importance (Adoni, 1985). Also, there will be the discussion that the death of the print media is something which is not new at all and is being practised from a long time. There have been a number of incidents in the past where the print media has observed to be of less or no use. It is something which is nothing new. There has been a similar case every time. The environment has always been much more challenging for the print media. In the present times, with the upbringing of the web, the present global and financial crises are hitting the news industry and the business environment (Hamilton, 2001).

“Ad spending seen growing at 15.5% in 2016, driven by digital.” “Journalists are competing for readership, instead of news. This is new.” “Mobile ads to account for 15-20% of media spending by 2020: Study.”Philadelphia Daily News, the Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune – few of the popular print media print media giants have gone bankrupt in past years. This trend has also been observed in the recent times. It has been observed in the present that there have been many publishers who have to stop their publication process because of the lack of funds. This is because of the less interest of the people which direct have an impact on the businesses of the firms. From the past it has been observed that every year millions of magazines and newspapers are burned because they aren’t read by anyone(Edgerly, 2015). Many a times it is observed that these magazines have to be sold at minimal or no price as they do not get the buyer (Dupagne, 1994). This is not a recent trend but it has been observed from the past.