


支持者认为,通过CIDA,采矿业有几个机会。根据他们的说法,矿业组织已经成功地与加拿大政府和非政府组织合作(Brown 2012, 340-358)。保守党政府将矿业部门视为一个重要的权威机构,在努力增加私营部门伙伴关系的同时,负责推动国际发展。例如,坦桑尼亚和秘鲁被邀请与加拿大政府就采掘工业的管理问题进行合作。加拿大矿业公司还被要求满足向政府披露付款情况的新要求。此外,DFAIT还采取了各种措施,通过培训课程和在线培训工具来提高官员的能力。DFAIT设立了17万美元的企业社会责任基金,帮助这些国际和加拿大境内的办事处从事与企业社会责任有关的活动。
然而,关键的优势在于加拿大政府为提高加拿大采掘业的效益而制定的综合战略。该战略是通过与民间社会、行业和相关利益相关者的几次磋商以及领先行业协会和加拿大公司的额外投入制定的(Gordon et al . 2008, 63-87)。政府进一步着眼于为加拿大人建立优势,通过允许他们管理社会和环境风险的能力,即兴发挥加拿大全球采掘业组织。这项政策使大多数人都明白,虽然加拿大的大多数组织在道德、环境和社会方面都有最高标准的承诺,但缺乏这种承诺的组织可能导致危害国际社区。它还可能导致削弱这家加拿大公司的竞争地位。


The proponents have argued that there are several opportunities for the mining industry through CIDA. Mining organizations, according to them, have worked in a successful manner with the government of Canada and NGOs (Brown 2012, 340-358). The conservative government looks at the mining sector as an essential authority responsible for making efforts of international development as it works at increasing private sector partnerships. For example, Tanzania and Peru were offered to work with the Canadian government over issues of governance within the industry of extraction. The companies for Canadian mining also are required to meet newer requirements to disclose payments to the government. Additionally, the DFAIT undertook various initiatives for enhancing the officer’s capability through sessions of training and a tool for online training. 170,000 dollar CSR fund was created by DFAIT for assisting these offices internationally and within Canada for engaging in activities related to CSR.
The key strength however lies in the comprehensive strategy set by the Canadian government for enhancing the Canadian extractive industry benefit. The strategy was formulated by several consultations with civil society, industry and related stakeholders along with extra input from leading industrial associations and Canadian companies (Gordon et al 2008, 63-87). The government further looked at building the advantage for Canadians to improvise Canadian global extractive sector based organizations through allowing them an ability of managing risks socially and environmentally. The policy is such that it makes people at large understand that while most organizations in Canada have a commitment to highest standards ethically, environmentally and socially, those lacking such commitment can lead towards harming communities internationally. It can also lead towards undermining the Canadian company’s competitive position.
