



下图引用了PHA化合物的用途。这些化合物增强了依赖于单体化合物的功能。在这个过程中,我们可以看到化合物产生了很多有用的产物。农业聚合物是以淀粉和蛋白质为基础的聚合物。由此衍生的淀粉基聚合物缺乏制造坚固材料的机械性能。正是由于这个原因,许多其他纤维,如黄麻纤维,苎麻纤维等,这提高了产品的坚固性和弹性。通过添加这些化合物,人们发现碳水化合物与淀粉和纤维素基纤维形成更强的结合(Anne, 2011)。这也是原结构在此过程中获得力学强度和耐久性的原因。


PHA is linear polymeric compounds that are found extracted from sugar or glucose molecules. These are basically repeating compounds of the monomeric unit hence the monomeric composition aids to the creation of its characteristic feature of the compounds. There are a number of sources from which PHA is obtained some of the notable methods of production of PHA is from molasses, Whey Hydrolysates, Lignocellulossic raw materials, from cooking oils and also from waste materials. There are a number of sources from which PHA production is done in an industrial level. The following diagram will show the overview of the methodologies obtained for the extraction of PHA from numerous compounds. It has been found that only for vegetable oils there is a need for treating the compounds with esterification process. For the production of wastewater materials, there is a need to treat the volatile fatty acids found in the solutions. Subsequently PHA production is done from the microbial fermentation process. It has been observed for the production of PHA and PLA, there is a need for fermentation process owing to the fact that there is maximum productivity in this process.

The figure below cites the number of uses of the PHA compounds. These compounds have enhanced functionalities that are dependent on the monomeric compounds. In this process, it can be seen that a number of useful products are generated from the compounds. Agropolymers are starch based and protein based polymers. Starch based polymers that are derived are found to lack the mechanical properties for creating sturdy materials. It is for this reason a number of other fibers like Jute fibers, Ramie fibers etc. This enhances the sturdiness and the elasticity of the product. On addition of these compounds, it has been found that the carbohydrate forms a stronger bond with the starch and cellulose based fibers (Anne, 2011). This is the reason for the primary structure to gain mechanical strength and durability in this process.