


根据文章,在欧洲推广佛教。Bhikkhu Bodhi,作者试图解释,佛教的宗教在欧洲地区鲜为人知,因为在过去的20年里,西方公众对佛教的认识已经提高,并且正在急剧增加(菩提,2000)。作者为了确保在欧洲的佛教不仅是大众媒体来源和佛教电影的结果,而且实际上必须通过使宗教渗透到欧洲的土壤中,从而健康地促进,这一宣言由作者做出。作者对这首诗的创作方式进行了仔细的解读,而埃德温·阿诺德爵士的《亚洲之光》一直激励着西方佛教的发展。佛教之所以能蓬勃发展,其原因在于各种因素,包括政治统一性、良好信仰、以及需要采用一种精神信仰体系。对于西方人来说,佛教是唯一的过程,通过这种训练,心灵的训练可以带来内心的平静和对自我的深刻认识,这也有助于实现西方国家灵魂的另一种深刻的需求。此外,作者还指出,西方人必须面对的各种问题不仅是外在的,而且是内在的(菩提,2000)。因此,根据这篇文章,需要在西方文化中保持微妙的纪律,以隐藏在宗教背后的明确意图。从这篇文章中可以看到,在电视上使用电影的大众媒体报道将不会帮助佛教扩大和触及人们的内心,因为电影往往误解了真实的刺激。例如,在电影《小佛》中,导演们并没有把注意力集中在唤起和诠释宗教的正确情感上。这篇文章还描述了真正的僧侣和修女的需要,他们是佛法的实际化身。


According to the article, Promoting Buddhism in Europe by Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, the author has tried to explain that the religion of Buddhism is not known barely in the region of Europe because since the past 20 years awareness in public in the West has raised on Buddhism and is sharply increasing (Bodhi, 2000). This proclamation has been made by the authors in order to make sure that Buddhism in Europe is not just a result of mass media sources and Buddhist films but actually has to be healthily promoted by making the religion seep through the soil of Europe. The author discretely interprets the way in which the poem, The light of Asia by Sir Edwin Arnold has been inspiring the growth of Buddhism in the Western region. The reason for Buddhism to flourish as per the authors comes from various factors inclusive of political uniformity, favorable belief and the need to adopt a system of spiritual belief. Buddhism for the westerners was the only process by which training of mind could take place for bringing peace inside and deep knowledge of the self which also led towards fulfilling alternative profound requirement of the soul in the western region. Additionally, the authors proclaim that various problems the westerners will have to face are not only external but also internal (Bodhi, 2000). Therefore, according to this article, there requires a maintenance of delicate discipline in the middle of western culture temptations that may hide the clear intention behind the religion. From this article, it can be implied that mass media coverage using films on television will not help Buddhism to expand and reach the hearts of people because films often misinterpret the real stimulation. For example, in the film the little Buddha the directors have not focused on arousing and interpreting the right feeling of the religion. This article also has depicted the need for real monks and nuns who are actual embodiments of Dhamma.