





His experiences because of inequality have put him in a work situation where he works with his hands. Furthermore, the experiences have also affected him psychologically as he states that he was looked down for appearing less than the suits. He is questioning not only his career state, but in a way his very identity in the country. However, the person also understands that people like him play a vital part in society and that not everybody can sit behind desks. He has not accepted inequality, but merely the situations introduced by inequality.
Furthermore, these are research studies indicating that social class, income levels and other issues of inequality have a strong effect on not just education and career, but also on health opportunities. Many a research work has been done to discuss how health issues are created because of inequality. In fact, community based health engagement works to provide care for the less fortunate.

The US class structure may be reproduced from one generation to another. Social stratification and social reproduction both exists in the US society. Social stratification is the social arrangement based on how much control the populace will have towards acquiring basic resources. Social reproduction is the concept of how some structures in society lead to the transmission of social inequality from one generation to another (Bourdieu, 2003). Financial, cultural, human and social capital plays an important role in this transmission of social inequality. In the United States, as evident in research works, social reproduction does exist, but then governmental intervention and policy updates do attempt to stop the transmission of such inequality.