


这个声明是一个说明性的女性相对于可见人历史上的位置的例子。加载与双关语的心理分析比喻的好戏是舌头在脸颊的方式给予刺激女性的士气,同时让人继续在他们的世界里虚张声势。女人们已经开发出一种良好的沟通形式的消息给对方,他们只能由女性认为,任何人没有意义(众业,2010)。事实上,有一些情况在打球的时候,男人最终的嘲笑明显毫无意义的胡言乱语的女人沉迷在他们感到手头任务重。他们的正义问题,杀人和惩罚严重的世俗的过程,需要大量的辩论和审议(Ben Zvi,p.141)。男人们有自以为是的观点,认为他们过于犀利,女人不可能达到他们设定的严格标准。在这个特定的时间维度很明显的人,他们不会知道的跨越时间和空间的微妙之处
佛洛伊德,解释复杂思维过程的传递大师,已经把情感和头脑的更精细的发挥分析到了一个没有隐藏创伤体验的水平。而行为可能保持接近正常尽可能是潜在的恐惧和忧虑,在心理,往往以各种各样的方式[佛洛伊德,西格蒙德表现低迷,新入门讲座精神(企鹅佛洛伊德图书馆12)(1933):105-6 ]。


This statement is an illustrative example of the position of women vis-à-vis men down the annals of history. The fine play of psycho-analytical simile loaded with the double entendre is tongues in cheek manner of giving a fillip to the morale of the women while at the same time letting the men carry on in their world of bravado. The women have developed a fine form of communication of messages to each other so that they are perceived only by the women and have no meaning whatsoever for the men (Glaspell, 2010). In fact there are several instances in the play when the men end up scoffing the apparent senseless drivel the women are indulging in while they are seized with the gravity of the task at hand. For them the issue of justice, homicide and punishment are grave worldly processes that require a large amount of debate and deliberation (Ben-Zvi, p.141). The men have the smug opinion that they are too sharp and the women cannot possibly come up to the stringent standards that they have set. For the men of this particular time dimension it is apparent that they have no inkling of the subtle nuances employed by the across time and space
Emergence of the Psychoanalytical Treatise on Feminism
Another sharp retort on the lifestyle of women during those days of fledgling feminism escapes the lips of Mrs Hale when she laments, “That was a crime. That was a crime. Who’s going to punish that”? Clearly Mrs Hale is lamenting the merciless death of the little song bird rather than the death of the brutal fiend who had twisted its poor fragile neck. This shows how perceptive women tend to be in perceiving the sense of right and wrong in a given situation as compared to men.
Freud, the pass master of interpretation of convoluted thinking processes, has taken the analysis of the finer play of emotions and the minds to a level where there was no hiding the aftermath of a traumatic experience. While the behavior may remain as near normal as possible it is the underlying fears and apprehensions that are subdued in the psyche that tends to manifest themselves in a myriad of ways [Freud, Sigmund,New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (Penguin Freud Library 12) (1933): 105-6].