


该组织于1975成立。在开始阶段,该集团用来撰写和直接斯伯丁灰色和Elizabeth LeCompte的作品。后来想起在这些人的思想开始组建自己的乐队,后来形成为伍斯特集团。该集团的创始人是伊丽莎白 勒孔特,Spalding Gray(1941-2004),Jim Clayburgh,Ron Vawter(1948-1994), 威廉达福、Kate Valk和Peyton Smith
美国戏剧艺术的历史起源于西方传统。从美国西部来的人们,传统上倾向于戏剧和戏剧的艺术形式。在纽约城之外,有一些剧院公司曾经创造过属于他们自己的四季。这些区域的剧场和居民剧院。这些仅限于美国的一些地区和居民。然而,它还没有城市化,搬到了许多城市。然而,在美国的专业剧场起源于1752由Lewis Hallam团从Virginia(Baumol,W. J.,博文,W. G,1993)。美国戏剧艺术的真正出现是在第二次世界大战之后。正是在这一时期,世界看到许多剧作家如阿瑟·米勒、Tennessee Williams和更多。有戏剧艺术的曝光,许多艺术家在这个时期表现了他们的卓越。这是越来越多的人来看戏的时候了。事实上,它是在1960年代,戏剧艺术的产生和全面繁荣。那个时期最受欢迎的戏剧是头发和毒品文化。然而,音乐的普及也在这一时期出现了。在此之前,戏剧艺术是以传统文学或小说为基础的。然而,第二次世界大战后,美国剧院采取了下一步采取从电影和歌剧的根源艺术形式。第一次世界大战之前,在20世纪早期,有更多出现的戏剧。然而,在1900左右的时间里,美国的诗歌被视为新的维度。这一趋势在戏剧领域表现出了最显著的变化和复兴,这就是William Vaughn Moody的《圣经三部曲》。


The group took its origin in 1975. At the beginning stage, the group used to compose and direct the works of Spalding Gray and Elizabeth LeCompte. Later the thought came in to the minds of these people to start a group of their own, which later formed as Wooster Group. The founders of the group were Elizabeth LeCompte, Spalding Gray (1941-2004), Jim Clayburgh, Ron Vawter (1948-1994), Willem Dafoe, Kate Valk and Peyton Smith
The History of theatre arts in United States originated from Western tradition. People hailing from the western part of America traditionally were inclined to the art form of theatre plays and dramas. Outside the city of New York, there were theatre companies who used to create seasons of their own. These were regional theatres and resident theatres. These were limited to some of the regions and residents of United States. However, it was not yet urbanized and moved to the much of the cities. However, in America professional theatres originated in 1752 by Lewis Hallam troupe from Virginia (Baumol, W. J., & Bowen, W. G, 1993). The real emergence of America theatre art happens after the World War II. It is at this time period, the world saw many playwrights like Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams and many more. There was an exposure of theatre art and many artists showed their excellence after this time period. This was the time period when more and more people came to try their talent in theatre plays. In fact, it was in 1960’s, the theatre art emerged and flourish in full fledge. Some of the most popular plays at that period were Hair and drug culture. However, the popularity of music was also seen during this period. Till this period, the theatre art was based n the traditional literature or novels. However, after World War II, the American theater took its next step to take the art forms from cinematic and opera roots. Before the World War I, in the early period of 20thcentury, there was more emergence of drama. However, around 1900’s the poetic drama was seen new dimensions in United States. This trend showed a most notable change and revival in the field of drama, which was the “Biblical trilogy” of William Vaughn Moody.