


In the contemporary times there is a strong movement towards growth. The nefarious impact that would cause on the world is overlooked in the process. In most cases, the use of alien and futuristic world is shown in the music videos and movies. In this storyline, complex narration and interlinking of many variables are evident in the construction of the storyline. It has been observed in the portrayal of the future there is a neo-Gnostic abandonment of the culture that is currently present in the world (McLeod 338). The common theme of the need of humanity and the need to unite it with the different cultures are alluded in the themes that are portrayed in the storyline. In the narrative theme, the transcendence of race, gender or nationality is predominate. It will be detailed in the analysis that the common theme of humanity and the need for the people to work together as a single unit are done.
Personal Contribution:
For the creation of the video, the personal effort done participates in the creation of the narrative theme. Active participation and brainstorming were done to connect with the main storyline. Additional, filming of the events was done.
A complex set of narratives and common themes are used in the storyline to probe about the need for working together. The impact of human action and the ways in which they influence the future are detailed in the video. There is use of music, speech and a common thread of narrative theme that is infused in the production. Efforts were taken to create a unique and cohesive impact. This was the main discussion and detailing that is done in the video.
From the collaborative efforts and creation of the video, a number of important insights were gained that were involved in the creation.

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