


这些家具的设计是最有影响力的建筑师了18世纪60年代这是介绍新古典风格为英国[ Henrietta Spencer Churchill,典型的格鲁吉亚风格(伦敦:柯林斯& Brown,2009),268-270。]。这些家具的最重要的方面是细微的细节和罗马或希腊设计。这些反映了亚当兄弟辉煌的才华,因为他们装饰的新颖性和独特性的古代。这些设计不仅是积极的自我推销,而且是引进全新的建筑,将改变整个室内设计的历史。家具的设计很大程度上反映了色彩对比的特殊用途和木帆布的装饰设计。这些设计是从古代文艺复兴时期和Roma的源头改编而来的,最初是用来装饰天花板和墙壁的。这是亚当兄弟采用了统一和统一的,它与日常使用的家具。
Robert Adams在1761至1769年间还担任过国王工程的建筑师。这是这些家具设计和介绍给世界的时期。这也是为什么这些家具反映一定的提成,是由大理石和 [ Jude James,柯科迪:一个历史和城市庆典(剑桥、马:Francis Frith收集,柯克沃尔公民社会,2010),60。]。细节的木材是没有什么比大理石’,因为如果这些与显微镜观察揭示分钟削减由亚当斯兄弟提供每一个家具的特殊外观。
独特性和新颖性似乎是两个类似的词,但不同,但相互关联。每一个字,如Robert Adams所说的古董提供了一个特殊的外观和吸引人的特点。细节,颜色对比和使用的饰品加强论点。亚当斯的古董作品似乎不是古董,而是现代的。然而,希腊和罗马的建筑被认为是一个古老的,但亚当兄弟的方式,统一和完善,它表现出独特性和新颖性。如前所述,Robert Adams是他那个时代最著名和最著名的建筑师之一,他在有关家具方面的工作极大地说明了为什么。作为一个艺术家是不同的东西,作为一个独特或新颖的是另一个。


The designs on these furniture were the most influential architects of 1760s as it was the introduction was Neo Classical style into Britain[ Henrietta Spencer-Churchill, Classic Georgian style (London: Collins & Brown, 2009), 270-274.]. The most significant aspects of these furniture is minute detailing and the Roman or Greek designing. These reflect the brilliant talent of Adam brothers as they decorated the antiquity with novelty and uniqueness. These designs were not just the active self promotion but also the introduction of completely new architecture that was about to change the whole history of interior designing. The designs on furniture greatly reflect the exceptional use of color contrasts and design of ornament on wooden canvas. The designs have been adapted from ancient Renaissance and Roma sources that were originally used for the decoration of ceilings and walls. It was the Adam Brothers who adopted the same and unified it by incorporating it with the furniture of daily use.
Robert Adams also held the designation of Architect of the King’s works in between 1761 and 1769. This was the time period when these furniture were designed and introduced to the world. This is also the reason why these furniture reflect certain royalty and have been designed with marbles as well[ Jude James, Kirkcaldy: A History and Celebration of the Town (Cambridge, MA: Francis Frith Collection, Kirkcaldy Civic Society, 2010), 60.]. The detailing of wood is nothing in comparison to the marbles’ as these if watched with microscope reveal the minute cuts made by Adams brother to provide each of the furniture with exceptional look.
Uniqueness and novelty seem to be two similar words but are different, however inter related. Each of these words as stated by Robert Adams provides the antiques with an exceptional look and attractive features. The detailing, color contrasts, and usage of ornaments strengthen the arguments. The antique work of Adams does not seem to be antique but a contemporary one. However, Greek and Roman architectures are considered to be an old one, but the way the Adam Brothers has unified and refined it demonstrate uniqueness and novelty. As stated earlier, Robert Adams was one of the most known and reputed architects of his time and his work on the concerned furniture greatly shows why. Being an artist is different thing and being a unique or novel one is another.