


供应链结构:Zara的供应链结构分析包括实物物流、信息管理和组织结构。Zara的设计部位于总部附近,由于实体之间的代理关系,这使得公司能够进行流畅的信息交流。订单管理是通过Zara总部的买家、设计师和专家集体进行的(Stevens, G.和Johnson, M.)。,2016)。一个决策团队被分配来管理基于决策的信息,这是一个很好的解决方案,它支持部门之间的内部信息交换。根据商品信息的实物流动,所有产品都要经过Zara的主要配送中心。配送中心使用最复杂和更新的自动化系统,其中大部分是通过Zara的员工在供应商的支持下开发的(Kozlenkov et al., 2015)。对于每个商店,订单被打包成不同的货架或纸箱,通常在收到订单后8小时内准备发货。公司不断提高生产能力,以满足需求,进行实物的良性流动。

此外,组织的结构是使信息从上直接流向下和所有层次。Zara在第三方研究人员和制造商之间进行数据整合和共享。这使得公司得到他们的供应链整合(Christopher, 2005)。供应链绩效:包括客户服务和价格,相关的标杆和单独的物流功能绩效。Zara的整个供应链对于理解它的成功尤为重要。通过供应链的参与,该公司致力于针对24至35岁年龄段的女性。该公司试图通过确保其门店位于城镇中心,并将更多注意力放在这个年龄段的女性身上,来达到target的市场(Fernie, J. and Sparks, L.)。,2014)。生产中的短期运行导致了给定设计的稀缺性,而这反过来又产生了一种紧迫感和客户在库存完成前购买的理由。该公司根据市场需求而不是制造成本来定价产品。


Supply chain structures: for Zara will be analysed by including physical goods flow, management of Information and structure of organization. Zara’s design department is located near its headquarter and in turn this results in allowing company for fluent exchange of information due to the proximities present between entities. The administration of order is carried out collectively through buyers, designers and specialists in the Zara headquarters (Stevens, G. and Johnson, M., 2016). A team to make decisions is allocated to manage decision based information which is a good solution and it supports internal exchange of information between its departments. As per the physical flow of goods information, all products pass by the major distribution centre of Zara. The distribution centres use the most sophisticated and updated systems for automation most of which are developed through the staff of Zara with their supplier’s support (Kozlenkov et al., 2015). For each store, the orders are packed into distinct racks or cartons and generally are made ready to be shipped within 8 hours after their reception. The company keeps increasing its production capacities to meet with demands and engage in positive flow of goods physically.

Furthermore, the structure of the organization is that makes information flow from top directly to the bottom and all the levels. Zara operates with decent data integration and sharing between third party researchers and manufacturers. This allows the company to get their integration of supply chain (Christopher, 2005). Performance of supply chain: inclusive of customer service and price, relative bench-marking and individual logistic functions performance.The overall supply chain of Zara is especially critical to understanding its success. Through engagement in its supply chain the company engages in targeting women from age group between 24 and 35. The company tries reaching the market at target through making sure that it locates its stores in the centres of cities and towns and places higher focus over women from this age group (Fernie, J. and Sparks, L., 2014). Short runs in production result in creating given designs scarcity and this in turn generates an urgency sense and a reason for customers to purchase until the stock finishes. The company prices its items based on the demand in the market not only on manufacture cost.