


社交媒体和社交网站在个人和职业生活中都带来了交流方式的巨大变化。通过使用在线Web界面进行通信,人们可以通过不同的社交网络进行交互,达到不同的目的。在当今社会,社交媒体已成为各种活动的平台,其中最重要的是招聘选拔过程。 Facebook,LinkedIn和Twitter等常用的社交网站是LinkedIn领先的网站。从传统的招聘实践中选出最适合自己要求的候选人,以及雇主为了理解公司文化而吸引和聘用候选人的过程,品牌价值和其他机会已经彻底改变了人们的生活方式在社会上。通过社交媒体,雇主正在寻找不同的方式与正确的候选人联系。今天的一代利用这些社交网站的存在,使他们的存在感觉在线界面。每一次更新都会立即在这些网站上进行上传,并通过连接进行评论。这已经成为今天这一代人的瘾,而且这方面也被公司所利用。很多通过正式会议无法获得的信息是通过评估这些网站得到的。申请人在简历中提供的信息也可以通过这些网站进行交叉检查。然而,社交媒体带来了自己的挑战,也给雇主带来了不同的机会。有了这么多的发展和变化的趋势,我支持使用媒体作为选择工具。


Social media and the social networking websites have brought about a drastic change in the means of communication, both in personal as well as in professional life. The use of online web interfaces for communication enables people to interact through different social networks for different purposes. In today’s modern society, the social media has become a platform for various activities and the most important among them being recruitment and selection process. The commonly used social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are the leading sites with LinkedIn on the top. From the traditional recruitment practices where the candidates are selected form a group who matches their requirement best to the process in which the candidates are attracted and engaged by the employer in understanding of the company culture, brand value and other opportunities has revolutionized the ways of living in the society. Through social media, the employers are finding different ways to connect with the right candidates. Today’s generation exploits the presence of these social networking sites to make their presence felt in the online interface. Every update is instantly uploaded op on such sites and the comments by the connections flows in. it has become an addiction for today’s generation and this aspect is exploited by the companies. A lot of information which cannot be got through formal meeting is got through assessing such sites. The information given by the applicant in the resumes can also be cross checked through these sites. However, social media comes with its own challenges as well as different opportunities for the employer. With so many developments and the changing trends, I support the use of media as a selection tool.