


该方案的设计应在所有有关各方的参与下进行,以提高其有效性。应该承认好的想法,以便激励他人尽其所能地设计项目,保留项目并将其实施在工作中(Thorell,2009,pp106-113)。这个设计不仅要根据事先进行的调查进行,还应该在设计方案时收集最新的信息,以便在培训计划中没有任何东西被发现。应根据问题的深度和将要提供培训的参与者来确定培训计划的持续时间。应该强调与这个问题有关的所有领域。卡洛斯在他的节目中包含了向上沟通,但忘记了向下和侧面的沟通(Russ-Eft,2002,pp 45-65)。

总之,应该强调公开交流,而不是仅仅向上交流。应该采取学员的每日反馈意见,同样必须传达给管理层,以便如果方案中包含一些新的步骤,可以容易地采取反馈,并且可以有效地解决问题(Noe,2002年) 。重点只在于提供培训,而卡洛斯会建议学员如何充分利用培训,并尽可能以最好的方式转移培训。培训师必须对培训计划进行持续的审查,但卡洛斯却没有这样做(Saks,2002,pp 29-30)。两个月后,他接到了学员的反馈意见,表示该计划无效。卡洛斯“展示了视频,游戏和锻炼,但他并没有要求学员分享他们的一些经验,或者设计一些练习来进行训练。


The design of the program should be made with the participation of all the affecting parties so that its effectiveness can be increased. Good ideas should be acknowledged so that it motivates others in giving their best in design of the program, its retention and its implementation in their jobs (Thorell, 2009, pp106-113). The design should not only be based on prior surveys conducted but recent information should also be collected in designing the programs so that nothing is left uncovered in the training program. The duration of the training program should be fixed according to the depth of the problem and the participants who are to be provided training. Emphasis should be given to all areas related to the problem. Carlos’ included upward communication in his program but forgot about downward and sideward communication (Russ-Eft, 2002, pp 45-65).

In short, emphasis should be given on open communication rather than only upward communication. Daily feedback from the trainees should be taken and same must be conveyed to the management so that if some new steps are to be included in the programs as per the feedback that can be taken easily and the problem can be handled effectively (Noe, 2002). Emphasis was only on providing training rather Carlos would have suggested the trainees about how to make the best use of it and in which best possible manner transfer of training is possible. A continuous review about the training program must be taken by the trainer but Carlos failed to do so (Saks, 2002, pp 29-30). He approached the trainees after 2 months when he got the feedback from the superintendent that the program was not effective. Carlos’ showed video, game and exercise but he did not asked trainees to share some of their experiences or design some exercise to be conducted in the training program.