


种族主义的含义是将居民与外国居民区分开来,世界上几乎所有国家都经历着差异和偏见。新西兰最初虽然否认了种族主义的事实,但后来却承认,在行政管理层面,这种偏见已经出现。这个国家决定只提供一些可以留下来谋生的选民。美国有一个配额制度。这项研究旨在审视战后种族主义的证据。在选择基础上的偏差的影响,总是会有外国居民被吸引到不断增长的国家(Lashley,M E,2000)。



The meaning of racism is to differentiate the inmates from the foreign inhabitants and differences and bias is experienced in almost all countries throughout the world. New Zealand, initially though denied the fact of racism, later did admit that in the administration level this bias has been seen. The country decided to provide immigration to only few selected people who could stay and make a living accordingly. There was a quota system as followed by America. This research aims to look at the evidence where racism was followed post war. The impact of bias based on the selection basis as there will be always foreign inhabitants getting attracted to the growing nation (Lashley, M E , 2000).

Discrimination followed:
At first, the country like New Zealand did not agree to the allegation that the discrimination was done based on the immigration facility was given. Many Indians were denied immigration even when there was no discrimination found in the law specified or followed by them. They said that the policies that Australia was following was not the apt one and that the same was not followed. A lot of discrimination was done by both the countries, although they kept denying to it. Australia and New Zealand had actually got this transferred during the inter-war period of time (Jupp, J, 2002). There was discrimination in the comfort provided to the Asians in both the countries. The conflict was in providing the base comfort to the foreigner in the country and now everything was brought into light by some of the well-know scientists like Walter Nash, who actually specified to remove the racial barriers to have a healthier relation within the countries at large. This was necessary as there was a method as this seen followed, ‘Whites only’ (Lawrence, S, & Davies, P, 2011).