










•β:β每个个体组合使用的计算β十公司,地点:βp =∑βi *作业指导书。此外,回归模型用于计算β为每个公司的五年。每个公司的日常费用可以从雅虎获得融资。还计算β可以比在雅虎财经是密切相关的。


This technique is centered on the CAPM. In addition, it estimates the distinctions between realized returns and required. It is represented as;
Where:   rp  represents the standard earning on fund
rf = risk-free interest value

rm  denotes earning in the market
Beta is the connection of the entire market

The Jensen’s alpha is a technique which puts into consideration portfolio risks such that the investors looks at two different portfolios  with similar returns, the essence is to use the ratio to assess which of the portfolio is not risky. Moreover, Jensen’s alpha can reflect the association between different portfolios and their returns. For instance, a portfolio with positive return is likely to earn excess earnings and perform high in the market. As such, Jensen’s alpha is appropriate for continuous calculation like 3 years. However, to calculate the ration of different portfolios formulas and figures have to be presented.

  • Rf that represents the risk-free value of interest rate uses the standard amount of three months
  • Rm: S&P 500 is considered the targeted marketplace, therefore the standard earnings, for a period of 5 years is utilized in the computation. This provides the average earnings of S & P 500 in the previous 5 years.
  • β: is the beta every individual portfolio employs the calculated beta of ten firms , where: βp=∑βi*wi. In addition, regression model is employed in computing beta for every firm for a period of five years. The daily cost for every firm can be obtained from yahoo finance. Also the calculated beta can be compared with the one on the yahoo finance that is close related.