





In the early 2000s, HBO dominated television with quality programming such as “the Sopranos” and “Band of Brothers”;it was hard to imagine any channel broadcasting better television dramas than the HBO, much less one named American Movie Classics. Still, in 2007when the first episode of “Mad Men” aired on AMC. The entire landscape of network programming changed.

AMC’s “Mad Men” started off poorly with low ratings. But, the period drama showcasing style, sex and substance, quicklygrew in popularity through massive critical acclaim and word of mouth.AMC’s “Mad Men” led ushered a new generation of shows that changed the landscape of network television. “Mad Men” made a channel who was relativelyknown for showing grey-tone cinema into one of the biggest network on air today.It was through AMC’s big gamble with “Mad Men”, the viewers were blessed to see some of the top dramas at television today – “Breaking Bad” which completed its final season is widely regarded asbeing the television’s best drama. With the start of “The Walking Dead,” in 2010, AMC created network television history and topped every rating chart. Even the lesser known shows such as “Rubicon,” “Hell on Wheels,” and “The Killing” have enjoyed critical and commercial success. This was all made possible due to the success of “Mad Men”.