


这幅画中的两只螃蟹有着海绿色的背景,与螃蟹腿上的范橙使用的橘红色相得益彰。在后台使用的笔触明显而粗体。这幅画似乎是用快速模式画的,平刷可能是3/4“宽(Van Gogh,1984)。窄圆刷已用于绘画螃蟹。螃蟹腿部末端的区域似乎用水彩笔刷涂抹,细纹在那里可见。两只螃蟹的构图中可以看到充满活力的孵化笔触,这些作品被艺术史人物称为’taches’。
另一方面,在向日葵范使用黄色,他是幸福的象征。根据荷兰文献向日葵代表奉献和忠诚。通过花朵腐烂的各个阶段,生命和死亡的循环都象征着。由于印象派的影响,范在画中使用了明亮且不混合的颜色(Druick,2001)。他指责这场运动纯粹是装饰性的,并且对它不屑一顾。 Van所使用的颜色理论指出,对于强化反色的颜色必须相互紧挨着使用,例如黄色和紫色。



The painting Two Crabs has a background of sea green which complements the orangey red color used by Van in the legs of the crab. In the background the brush strokes used are obvious and bold. The painting seems to be painted in fast mode with the sense of urgency with flat brush which may be 3/4” wide (Van Gogh, 1984). Narrow round brush had been used for painting the crab. The area at the end of the legs of the crab seems to be painted with watercolor brush and fine lines are visible there. Vibrant hatching brushstrokes are visible in the composition of Two Crabs which is known as ‘taches’ by the art history people.
On the other hand in The Sunflower Van used yellow which for him was the symbol of happiness. According to the Dutch literature sunflower represents devotion and loyalty. Through the various stages of decay of flowers the cycle of life and death are symbolized. Van has used bright and unmixed colors in the painting due to the influence of impressionists (Druick, 2001). He accused the movement as purely decorative and was dismissive of it. The theory of colors used by Van stated that for intensifying colors opposing colors must be used next to each other such as yellow with purple.

According to me the painting Two Crabs is more influential and had represented its art movement in a much better way. It is so because it provides the sense of an ordinary and humble crab with something low and common. It even provides some kind of spiritual element to the viewers. At one end it is vulnerable and fragile and on the other part it is enduring. The crabs in the painting looks like at any time they will fall all of a sudden out of the painting due to vertical tipping ground. It is felt through the painting that Van Gogh tried to portray his own uncertain situation during that with an uproar.