





Copyright law was purposely introduced in the legal framework of all countries to protect new inventions and creation of quality works which cannot be copied easily and has a large and loyal market along with a long shelf life. Copyright law was initiated to encourage people and entrepreneurs to be courageous and invent new things which are of immense value to the society and that offer something of value to them. The efforts of creators when protected for its legitimacy and original-ness, it provided an environment that is conducive to growth, along with creating more competitive and differentiating products that has immense value in the market place. The primacy beneficiary is the producer who gets a long term protection against copying the product by anyone which the country’s legal authorities and the courts are supposed to support. The products that are copyrighted protected provide a benchmark in the market for everyone to compete and in response make more productive and fruitful and durable products. The idea is basically generated to make the best products available at the best prices to consumers and make the organisations more competitive domestically and internationally.

The unauthorised use of the produced creation is restricted by the copyright law and the producer gets a breather to market the product as a differentiated one from competitors. Such an act has a significant impact on the profits, brand value, growth of the organisation, on competitors, pricing of the product, legal implications, and unauthorised use in the market which is to be protected. Thus, copyright law has become more of a debatable issue because its intent is encouragement of creativity and the uses are multiple including exploiting the law and abusing one’s dominant position in the market. The economic rationale for introducing copyright law is to enhance the production of creative works which is socially desirable, and to provide stimulation for consistent production of such quality works along with disseminating the work thus formed. When authors create books with reproducible rights at marginal costs, they are incentivised for the fruition of the content that is given to the market and supports the market as a whole.