


用枷锁跳舞,这可能是描述伊朗电影的最合适的词组。 70年代以来,伊朗电影的异军突起,使伊朗电影在电影领域独树一帜,重要特征。与欧洲艺术之家和好莱坞大片相比,伊朗电影,尤其是儿童类电影在关爱人性方面显示出更多的闪光点。实际上,由于缺乏知识和西方媒体的歪曲,很多人可能对伊朗有一个黄疸的看法,导致了很多的无知。伊斯兰文化是人类文化的重要组成部分。伊朗电影业是近年来电影理论界关注的焦点。电影史上有很多伟大的导演,但是像安德烈·塔可夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky)这样的电影的诗人是罕见的,伊朗导演阿巴斯·基亚洛斯塔米(Abbas Kiarostami)肯定是其中之一。

在重新发现伊朗西部地区的电影基本上是成功的,并赞扬伊朗的主要电影制片人在全球电影节。从某种意义上说,阿巴斯·基亚洛斯塔米(Abbas Kiarostami)已经获得了电影人和评论家的非凡关注。黑泽明认为他是有史以来最好的电影制片人。有人建议,伊朗电影一直在为观众提供一种新的电影语言。以非常低的预算以非常规的方式使用非专业的演员,没有或者最少的脚本是非常重要的。大部分电影利用纪录片的风格代表了基本的社会问题,排除了其他类别的国家电影中的主题。这导致了伊朗独特风格的产生。



Dancing with the shackles, this might be the most appropriate phrase to describe Iranian cinema.   Since the 70s, the sudden emergence of Iranian cinema made Iranian film unique and important character in the area of the film. In comparison with European art house and Hollywood blockbuster, the Iranian film, especially children genre film showed much more shining points with regard to caring for humanity. In fact, many people may have a jaundiced view of Iran due to the lack of knowledge and the misrepresentation of western media, which led to much ignorance. Islamic culture is an important part of human culture. The Iranian film industry is the focus of film theorists in recent years. There are many great directors found in the film history, but the poets of films such as Andrei Tarkovsky were rare and Iranian director Abbas Kiarostami is surely one of them.

On rediscovering the cinema of Iran within the Western area basically characterized to be successful and acclaiming to bestow upon the major filmmakers of Iran at the global festivals of film. In particular sense, Abbas Kiarostami has achieved extraordinary attention from both, filmmakers and critics. Akira Kurosawa considered him as the best filmmaker ever alive. Suggestions have been given that the films of Iran have been offering the viewer a new language of cinema. Non-professional actors being used in a common way with no or minimum scripts at an extremely low budget are tremendous. Most of the movies have been representing basic social issues by utilizing the styles of documentary and excluding the themes have been found in other categories of national cinema. This has resulted in the production of a distinct style of Iran.

In this report, critical analysis will be done on the cinema of Iran. Primary sources and secondary sources shall be used along with an appropriate methodological approach. The present popularity of the cinema of Iran is certainly a counterblast to the Hollywood.