


有许多意见支持在工作场所禁止即时通讯应用。根据报告,已经观察到,雇员和工人偏离了他们可以进入IM的工作。谈到学生,有人注意到,广泛应用IM应用程序会导致错误的语法、高使用缩写和不同的字符,如“@”或“$”,甚至在他们的学术作品。这可能是有害的,因为人们可能会以相反的方式影响他们的学习。人们不应该影响学习因为IM应用(herbsleb et al,2002)。
虽然这对每个人来说都不是相似的观点,但有些人是以积极的态度看待的,因为他们可以在使用即时通讯之后更清楚地讨论他们的作品,他们有更好地思考的能力。此外,在最近的一项研究中,人们发现年轻的IM用户使用更少的缩写。它在很多方面都是好的(麦克道威尔等人,2002)。学院的教授和工作场所的管理人员可以用它来主持课程和培训班。其中一个例子是Bob Burk教授一直在使用MSN Messenger的过去两年。他已经制定了这样一个时间表,学生可以通过MSN Messenger有效地学习和理解事物。使用IM的另一个好处是,学生和员工可以随时联系他们的经理、老板和教授,并根据紧急情况提出建议。


There are a number of observations which supports the ban on IM Applications during workplace. As per the reports, it has been observed that the employees and the workers are deviated from the works which they have access to IM. Talking about students, it has been observed that the extensive use of IM Applications leads to the improper grammar, high use of abbreviations and different characters such as “@” or ‘$’ even in their academic works. This may be harmful as the people may affect their learning in adverse manner. The people should not affect their learning because of the IM Applications (Herbsleb et al, 2002).
Though this is not the similar view for everyone, it is seen in a positive manner by some, as they can discuss their works more apparently after the use of IM, they have ability to think in a better way. Also, in a recent study, it has been finding that the young IM Users use fewer abbreviations that expected. It is good in a number of ways (McDowell et al, 2002). The professors at the college and the managers at the workplace can use it for conducting the classes and training sessions. One of the examples is the Professor Bob Burk who has been using MSN Messenger for the past two years. He has made such a schedule that students can effectively learn and understand things by the use of MSN messenger. Another advantage of using, IM is that the students and employees can connect to their managers, boss and professors any moment and take advices as per the emergency requirements as well.