




In the above sections, we discussed about the key characteristics of the marketing and try to focus on one specific concept named as marketing rationalization. The process of marketing rationalization, as discussed in the above sections, helps the companies to bring a next version of its business in front of the stakeholders and the customers by modifying the strategies and the introduction of new rules, regulations and policies. These rules and regulations as well as the policies would create the one thing which the company was suffering from few times before, i.e. the extra resources which were just costing to the company without any significant returns (Areni, 2000). Thus, the marketing rationalization process can be induced so as to get rid of these and create fresh policies which will finally cater to the ultimate development and betterment of the company. Thus, it has been seen that out of the various concepts of the marketing, the marketing rationalization process is also one which the company should consider in formation of its strategies