




Scott Wren,谁在威尔斯Fargo投资研究所的高级股票策略师还表示,他并不担心生长速度缓慢,在美利坚合众国的经济在2014年最后一个季度,因为这导致美利坚合众国的经济下滑的因素在本质上是暂时性的因素(里昂,2014)。这些因素都影响了美利坚合众国的经济,但这些因素不会对美利坚合众国的经济有permanenteffects。Scott Wren先生说,


一些美联储官员对美利坚合众国经济的表现也持乐观态度。经济学家们担心,可以从圣路易斯联储主席James Bullard反映了经济的表现,谁给了他对彭博电视访谈的GDP报告”后,有很多在美国的潜在发展势头,”


Despite of these factors, federal reserves as well as private market also showed disappointing figure in the fourth quarter of the year. Federal reserves have always supported the currency as well as impact positively on economy. Market analysis showed that the progress of stock exchange was slow while there were negative effects in some of the listed companies in the graphs (Mitchell, 2015).

There are many economists in united states of America, which have their concerns about the performance of the economy of the united states of America in the last quarter of year 2014, but on the other hand the economist in united states of America the economist are still optimistic about the performance of the economy in the next year. There are many evidences and factors which are reflecting that the economy of the United States of America is recovering. The performance of the economy of the United States of America in the first half of year 2015 has delivered the better outcome in the form of more productivity (Jostova, 2013).

Scott Wren, who is a senior equity strategist at the Wells Fargo Investment Institute has also said that he is not worried about the slow growth rate in the economy of the united states of America in last quarter of year 2014 because the factors which have resulted in the decline in the economy of the united states of America were temporary factors in nature (Lyon, 2014). These factors have affected the economy of the United States of America for a while but these factors will not have the permanenteffects on the economy of the United States of America. Mr. Scott Wren has said,

“We’re going to see better economic growth here and stabilization abroad”(Mitchell, 2015).

Some Fed officials are also optimist about the performance of the economy of United States of America. The economists are unfazed about the performance of the economy which can be reflected from the St. Louis Fed President James Bullard, who has given his interview on Bloomberg TV after the GDP report“There is a lot of underlying momentum in the U.S.,”