

加拿大论文代写-旅游政策的研究阶段分析。以旅游业为导向的旅游政策的目的在于提高生产和刺激增长。最重要的是,它应该考虑到市场的创造力。旅游只能被定义为通过社会经济性质的变化影响的主要范围内的需求(Foley et al, 2010)。研究分为两个阶段。在初始阶段,从在线旅游公司收集数据,以提供足够的图片,说明旅游政策如何通过创新被压缩到公司内部。因此,为了回答关键的研究问题,人们试图复制Jacob等人(2004)的初步研究结构。它包括一项调查,涉及每一种与游客、他们的住宿、餐馆、旅游和旅游机构、吸引力、运输公司和工艺品商店直接有关的旅游公司类型。目标人群是从提供关键web资源中选择的。

The aim of a tourism policy oriented on tourism lies in improving production and stimulating growth. Above everything, it should take under consideration the market’s creative power. Tourism can be defined only with regard to demand which is to a major range influenced through change of socio-economic nature (Foley et al, 2010). Ever after the social innovation industrial revolution, such as holidays that are paid and leisure and experience society emergence have impacted the tourism market development with regard to structures and products. A tourism policy oriented on innovation requires concerning itself with resources that help in stimulating the innovation process. These are inclusive of what is known as the mechanisms to create innovation (Hansen, 2011). Such mechanisms lead towards promoting an enterprise spirit and the new business models development and attracting more investment for equipment and installation renewal. Finally one should not forget that the process of innovation in tourism takes place in a particular location. There are various factors of exogenous and endogenous nation which impacts such a process.

The development level already reached through a nation plays a less essential role than the innovation creation mechanisms (Sundbo et al., 2015). These in turn help in eliminating the innovation barriers and for making the processes of innovation a routine matter. This is an essential manner to improve poor productivity of labour within tourism.

The process for obtaining the data is the use of questionnaire. The interviewees were people whose management responsibilities and positions were considered with regard to their tourism firm. This is because information on tourism policy is of much relevance to these employee groups. This methodology allowed in observing the key trends in the behaviour of tourism firms, but as it follows the study methodology incorporated in the analysis of Sundbo et al., (2007), and it further allows a better comparison and analysis (Rubalcaba, 2010).
The structure of the questionnaire had 3 sections. The initial section asked about basic information of a firm. First, this allowed in classifying firms as per the taxonomy of Sunbdo et al., (2007) (Sipe et al, 2009). The next section attempted listing and describing the innovation experiences of these population groups and the way in which they have understood the relevance of innovation oriented tourism policy. This also required involving various perspectives such as to consider their perspective of innovation.

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