



读者们知道,大多数参赛者都是在统计数据的帮助下移民的,但他们并不了解这些移民的优秀品质。显示相同的,作者给出了一个17岁的女孩叫Namrata Anand的一个例子。女孩为了揭露关于仙女座星系的化学史非常熟练运用光谱分析。很明显,与同辈同学相比,这个女孩更优秀。通过这个例子,作者试图证明他的观点,即如果国家决定关闭移民门,从而证明移民是必要的,那么这个国家就可能失去这种才能。具体的例子使这一点更具说服力,也使它更容易理解。


The writer in most of the cases would utilize the statistics in different way: in total there are 40 finalists and the percent of the immigrant in the same. However, all the names of the finalist in the Intel Science Talent was mentioned by Thomas. This makes the readers comprehend that all the finalists were foreigners by reading the name of all the finalists. It helps the author give time to the reader to sink in the information before he could make some conclusion. As a matter of fact, the author makes the conclusion together with the reader. It looks as if the author is communicating with the reader and in this way the readers would be more willing to accept the argument being presented. So as to convince his thesis, he them gives a specific example “do not shut the door to immigrate”.

The readers are aware that most of the finalists were immigrants with the help of the statistics; however they are unaware about the outstanding qualities of these immigrants. To show the same, the author has given an example of a 17 year old girl named Namrata Anand. The girl in order to expose information regarding the chemical history of Andromeda Galaxy used spectral analysis very proficiently. It is obvious to say that as compared to the peer students, this girl is more outstanding. By using this example the author has tried to prove his point that the nation might lose onto such talent if they decide to shut doors for the immigration and hence proving the fact that immigration is necessary. Specific example makes the point more persuasive and also makes it easier to understand.