


该公司无法向作家支付版税,而亚马逊等公司的运营成本较低。他们能够给作者有竞争力的稿酬。频谱发生了变化,公司将重点转向传统销售是问题的真正原因。优势:公司的品牌是公司成长的主要因素。人们发现这家公司有许多创新的想法。他们是美国推出电子书商店的先驱者。他们最初专注于书籍的数字化,并确保了DVD的销售(Spector, and Trachtenberg, 2011)。他们是最早为消费者提供数字支持和下载手册的先驱者。他们能够保持公司在2005年技术先进的形象(Hooper, and Rawls, 2014)。他们还能够开发一种创新的资产管理技术,向投资者表明,该公司在金融领域的表现也是特立独行的。

劣势:2008年,华登书店亏损惨重。这开始拖累公司的业绩。许多分析人士承认,这是公司真正的问题开始(Spector, and Trachtenberg, 2011)。2009年,该公司开始从多媒体业务中失去重心,开始转向传统零售商店。这是该公司在判断上的主要错误(Spector, and Trachtenberg, 2011)。多媒体是该公司采取的一种开拓性的方法。这种转移焦点的决定导致了公司(Hooper, and Rawls, 2014)。机会:公司专注于网络图书零售的失败给公司造成了重大损失。据报道,仅在美国,在线图书零售就将增长5.8个百分点。他们没有考虑到新兴国家以及在网上获得一本书的难易程度。公司本应专注于这些机会,以便维持下去。


The company was not able to pay royalties to the writers and company such as Amazon had lower cost of operation. They were able to give the writers competitive rates. The spectrum had changed and the company shifting focus towards conventional selling was the real cause of issue. Strength: The brand name of the company was the major factor for the growth of the company. It was found that the company had a number of innovative ideas. They were the pioneers in the United States in launching ebook store. They had initially focused on digitizing the books and had ensured that they were able to make sales of DVD (Spector, and Trachtenberg, 2011). They were the initial pioneers to provide digital support, and brochures for downloads for the consumers. They were able to maintain the image that the company was technologically advanced in 2005 (Hooper, and Rawls, 2014). They also were able to develop an innovative asset management technique that showed the investors that the company was a maverick in their performance in the financial arena as well.

Weakness: in 2008, the Walden book Speciality stores posted huge loss for the company. This started to lag the performance of the company. Many analysts concede that this is where the real issue started for the company (Spector, and Trachtenberg, 2011). In 2009, the company started to lose focus from the multimedia approach and it started to move towards traditional retail stores. This was the major error in judgment for the company (Spector, and Trachtenberg, 2011). The multimedia was a pioneering approach that was undertaken by the company. This decision of shifting focus caused the company (Hooper, and Rawls, 2014). Opportunities: Failure of the company to focus on the online book retail caused the company major losses. It was posted that the online book retail would increase by 5.8 in the the United States alone. They did not factor in the emerging countries and the ease of obtaining a book online. The company should have focused on these opportunities in order to sustain.