


2004年,米高梅的专业竞争对手对该公司进行了竞购。时代华纳(Time Warners)也在竞购者之列,特德•特纳(Ted Turner)是该公司最大的股东。然而,他未能为米高梅和索尼达成合适的交易,索尼以最高出价收购了米高梅。索尼以其支持者的形式创造了协同效应,索尼的主要担忧是收购米高梅的蓝光光盘。如果米高梅用50亿美元和20亿美元来清偿所有债务,索尼就会出价收购米高梅。米高梅利用这次收购重返市场,他们与索尼的合作给他们带来了许多优势。索尼已经在电子市场发展了一个强大的名字,但当他们收购米高梅,他们的边缘开始在电影行业的业务(Sarniske, 2005)。目前,索尼负责发行哥伦比亚三星(Columbia Tristar)和米高梅(MGM)的电影。收购米高梅给了索尼额外的优势,因为米高梅已经与许多制作公司就许多项目进行了合作,而索尼接手了这些项目。这些项目中有许多是盈利的,有些对索尼来说不是很盈利。米高梅仍然以它的名字命名。索尼没有改变它的名字,但是索尼在他们投资的地方使用了他们的名字,他们是这个项目的一部分(Fritz, 2013)。

与此同时,米高梅还从与索尼影视娱乐公司(Sony pictures entertainment)签订的这些运营协议中获得了巨大的利益。在这些协议中,米高梅的4000部电影和电视剧集(总计10400集)的部分发行责任将由米高梅图书馆承担。他们将使用索尼影视娱乐公司的全球网络,因为目前索尼影视娱乐公司的分销商是:3.5万集电视和3500部电影的图书馆。米高梅与索尼影视娱乐公司(Sony pictures entertainment)有着强有力的合作计划,因为他们将共同制作这些项目。电影将由索尼影视娱乐发行,米高梅将为某些电视剧提供管理(Kunz, 2007)。此次合并的其他一些好处是,米高梅和索尼影视娱乐(Sony pictures entertainment)与康卡斯特(Comcast)签署了更多分销协议。由于康卡斯特在该公司几乎没有股份,他们还将接管部分分销责任。米高梅的内容将出现在康卡斯特的视频上,康卡斯特、索尼影视娱乐(Sony pictures entertainment)和财团正在运营新的有线电视频道。目前,米高梅启动的电影和其他项目将如期进行,该公司预计将发行一些电影。


During 2004, professional rivals of MGM were bidding on the company. Time Warners were among the list of bidders and Ted Turner was the largest stakeholder in the company. However, he failed to strike appropriate deal for MGM and Sony acquired the company by giving the strongest bid. Sony created Synergy in the form of its supporters and the main concern of Sony was to take over the Blu Ray Disc at MGM. Sony acquired MGM by giving a bid if USD 5 billion and USD 2 billion were used by MGM to clear all the debts. MGM has used this acquisition for coming back in the market and their partnership with Sony has given them many advantages. Sony has already developed a strong name in the electronic market but when they acquired MGM, they were on the edge of starting their business in the film industry (Sarniske, 2005). Currently, Sony is responsible for distributing the productions of the Columbia Tristar and MGM. Acquiring MGM gave additional advantage to Sony because MGM was already in partnership with many production companies for many projects, and Sony took over those projects. Many of these projects were profitable and some were not very profitable for Sony. MGM has still taken its name. Sony has not changed its name but Sony uses their name where they have invested and they are part of that project (Fritz, 2013).

Along with this, MGM has hugely benefited from these operating agreements with Sony pictures entertainment where some distribution responsibilities will be taken over by MGM library of 4000 films and television episodes of total 10,400. They will be using the global network of Sony pictures entertainment because current distributors of Sony pictures entertainment are: library of 35,000 episodes of television and 3,500 films. MGM has strong plans with Sony pictures entertainment because they will be co producing these projects. Films will be distributed by Sony pictures entertainment and MGM will provide management for certain television series (Kunz, 2007). Some other advantages of this merger acquisition are in the form of more agreements between MGM and Sony pictures entertainment in the form of distribution agreements with Comcast. As Comcast has little share in the company, they will also be taking over some of the distribution responsibilities. Content of MGM will be available on the video of Comcast and new channels of cable tare being operated by the Comcast, Sony pictures entertainment and Consortium. Currently, the films and other projects started by MGM will be on schedule and the company has expected to release some films.