


If I were to create a personal taxonomy, then the categories that would be included are that of patriotism, compassion, social nature, individualism, power distances, uncertainty and respect.
I have included patriotism as a category, as an individual who belongs to a culture where the individual feels patriotism for their country would not feel trapped in societal groups, the range of collectivism felt within sub groups. Or societal formation within the country would decrease, and instead an overall collectivism identifiable with the country will increase. Compassion is included as a cultural category, because this is an element that is either missing in some countries of the world or is misunderstood in others. Most religion of the world, people who want a harmonious life etc would also be compassionate and would also want others to be compassionate. An individual who has more compassion would be more understanding of the problems of the country, would be less frustrated, might not rebel against the country and might try to find peaceful options for improving the country, such as using democratic means. On the other hand, less compassionate individuals might take up more radical methods bordering on terrorism.
Social nature is presented as a category, as in some cultures people might socialize more and hence might be more trusting and open minded with one another. On the other hand in some other cultures, people might end up being more closed minded. They would be suspicious of one another and this could lead to problems for the country. For Individualism, power distances, uncertainty, the identification is nearly the same as Hofstede has presented, except I view individualism as a category of its own, the opposite of individualism is not viewed as collectivism, instead it is viewed as an individual who has no opinion of their own. In any culture, given collectivistic attitudes, it is necessary for people to have some individualistic tendencies, not having these tendencies equates to having no opinion of their own. It is people without much of an opinion who follow group tendencies who are creating problems in the world. And hence, they could be considered as no person at all is in part of a constructive cultural makeup and hence they are avoided in my categorizations. Respect has been included as a cultural category. Individuals who are respectful will respect one another, they would be mindful of another’s space, tolerant of religion, inclusive of diversity and more. On the other hand, an individual who is disrespectful would not be.

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