

当你的母语与英语完全不一样,有很多会令学生困惑的细微差别。 比如中文,它使用标志来表示单词,而英语使用字母以表示形成单词的声音。在中文中,大多数信息是通过单词的顺序或上下文而表示的。 因此,对于中国人来说,用英语拼写单词和构建短语可能是非常大的挑战。下面来看看加拿大论文代写的讲解。

有时中文甚至会没有在英文使用的等值词。 例如,在英语中,短动词和介词被用于构成“ I will never take on a hungry moose ”之类的表达,其中“take on” 表示 “confront” (对抗)。中文当然有一些表示 “confront” 意思的单词,但是它们并不是通过在动词 “take” 上添加介词来构成的。

But don’t give up! 以下是一些中国学生常犯的错误以及避免这些错误的方法。


加拿大论文代写 英语有两种冠词:非特定名词的“ a”或 “ an” 和特定名词的 “ the”。

错:Students often use an excuse “dog ate my homework” when their work is incomplete.

正:Students often use the excuse “a dog ate my homework” when their work is incomplete.


加拿大论文代写 虽然过渡词有助于确保你的写作是逻辑而清晰的,但过度使用却分散注意力,并实际上阻碍写作。

错:However, every year, 1,234 students fail their homework due to different reasons. Furthermore, the majority of these students are in college; moreover, they often fail their essays due to these reasons. Additionally, college essays are often printed in various colors of ink.

正:However, every year, 1,234 students fail their homework due to different reasons. The majority of these students are in college, and they often fail their essays due to these reasons. The college essays are often printed in various colors of ink.


加拿大论文代写 大多数英语句子都符合 “主语,动词,宾语” 的单词顺序。

错:This study was guided by one primary research hypothesis: the chemicals in specific colors of ink to people are harmful.

正:This study was guided by one primary research hypothesis: the chemicals in specific colors of ink are harmful to people.


加拿大论文代写 英语有很多介词, 因此很难确定哪个合适,但这样情况下词典可以提供帮助!

错:The study ran to two weeks, between January 7th to January 21st, 2018.

正:The study ran for two weeks, from January 7th to January 21st, 2018.


加拿大论文代写 英文有主动和被动的语态。 通常,最好使用主动语态,这样句子中主体执行动作。

错:Five essays were printed in different colors, and we printed one essay in black.

正:We printed five essays in different colors, and we printed one essay in black.

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