


To measure the service quality, numerous authors have proposed wide range of models with various dimensions to observe the service quality. Most notable of the models is the SERVQUAL model to assess the service quality. The model has ten distinct dimensions which are tangibles, reliability, and responsiveness, understanding the customers, access, communication, credibility, courtesy, competence and security. The model was proposed by Parasaruman who later on modified the model and reduced it to five dimensions which are tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy (Parasuraman, Berry & Zeithaml, 1985).
The model scale is utilized by different industries across the world in different countries. It gives the organization perceived service quality and its physical implementation in the field. SERVQUAL has been widely adopted by the airline industries due to its physical implications but the model has been criticized as it compares the expectation which the customer holds for the service to the service provided to the customer (Buttle, 1996).
It is suggested that the SERVQUAL model just provides a general guideline for assessing the service quality in context to the service; therefore, its factors need to be examined and determined by relating the results to the industry specified issues (Wu & Ko, 2013).
Due to a large number of researchers criticizing the SERVQUAL model for being too broad and undisruptive, authors tend to use a service quality measurement scale known as SEVPERF which was given by (Cronin & Taylor, 1992). The difference between SERVQUAL and SEVPERF is that the latter only considers noting the customer’s perception regarding the service to assess the quality of the service and this scale has been found to be more suitable and better for assessing the service quality in the construction.
Some researchers have presented a scale which included variables such as the language, cultural demands of the user of services, methods of non-verbal communication and the attitude of the stereotypes and discriminations. Such a scale provided the assessment of quality of the property with respect to its cultural perspective.
Key strengths and justification for the proposal
The key strength of the proposal is as follows.
The plan situated at the commercial hub of the city.
The main issue lies with the car parking which used to block roads and traffic, but construction of nearby multi-storeyed car parking will make living easier and better.
The influx of population has created demand and scope for the new construction need
The head income is above the national income and the affordability for the project is high.
Being commercial capital up market apartments is in demand in the city.
The feasibility report has been prepared by the specialist and it has found the project feasible.

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