

加拿大论文代写-传感器的数据计算方法。激光成像检测与测距(LIDAR)需要每秒处理超过100万个3D形式的点来检测路上的物体和行人(Cruz et al, 2016)。行人检测系统可以通过注入各种传感器,并结合各种传感器的数据来实现。测量物体距离的过程包括碰撞测量或不可避免的损伤状态。Benenson(2008)的研究计算了车辆的最大停车速度,最大车速为Vmax,最大停车距离为dstopmax。最大停车距离计算为dstopmax = td·Vmax + v max / 2·amax²这里td是传感器的反应时间。如果认为td=0, dstopmax = 33,为了达到安全,传感器的距离应该能够达到33 (m).论文范文加拿大论文代写-传感器的数据计算方法分享给留学生阅读。

The Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) are required to process more than 1 million points per second in 3D form for detecting objects and pedestrians on the road (Cruz et al, 2016). The pedestrian detection system can be achieved through the infusion of the various sensors and by combining the data of the various sensors. The process of measuring the distance of the object requires including the collision measure or the inevitable damage state. The study of Benenson (2008) calculated the maximum stopping speed of the vehicle with the maximum speed as Vmax and maximum stopping distance dstopmax. The maximum stopping distance is calculated as
dstopmax = td · Vmax + v² max /2 · amax
Here td is the reaction time of the sensor. If it is considered that td=0 and dstopmax is considered to be = 33, for attaining the safety, the sensor range should be able to reach 33 (m). The required sensor range is for the observation of the obstacle that is calculated as (Benenson, 2008):
dsensor range(v0) = td · v0 + v² 0 /2 · amax + v0 · vmax / amax
Li (2017) has presented the multi sensor data fusion for calculating the time of flight measurement through continuous modulation. Distance is measured as
d = cφ /4πfm .
C denotes the light velocity, fm is the modulation frequency and d is the distance measured. Time of flight is the full cycle of modulation period that corresponds to an unambiguous range of c /2fm. Therefore, the maximum unambiguous range for fm = 50 MHz is 3 m (Li, 2017). Signal processing techniques can be used to gain the phase and amplitude of the reflected light. The time of flight dept camera, which are based on the lock in sensor pixels can be found with continuous wave modulation. However, there is some of the issue with this time of flight camera technique. These issues are low spatial resolution, range ambiguity, ambient light noise and motion artifacts (Li, 2017).

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