

在烏托邦設想之前,當德國建築師在1910年左右創作一些設計時,與設計相關的東西實際上看起來並不好。由於第一次世界大戰後的巨大破壞、經濟衰退和通貨膨脹,情況發生了很大的變化,德國人的思想開始顯得嚴峻起來。因此,令人驚奇的是,在這個時代,大多數建築師開始起草願景,其中包括創建基於烏托邦先鋒級願景的全新城市。 Scheebary相信玻璃會有一些視覺上吸引人的特性。這是一種烏托邦式的思想,它可以把文化提升到更高的層次,改變與舊歐洲有關的觀念。根據舍巴特所提出的烏托邦式的設想,磚砌建築必須用發光的彩色玻璃取代。一些最吸引人的設計已經發表在阿爾卑斯建築。這包括非常熱情的草圖,反映了可以在Apls山區建造的偉大建築。與其他許多現代主義者不同,拉特信奉對色彩的自信。與Scheebart相似,Taut的視覺也與avant的等級設計有關。這對設計產生了巨大的心理影響。它支持這樣一種觀點,即玻璃中的折射可以幫助使顏色發光。


Before Utopian vision, the things related to designs did not actually looked great when the German architects created some of the designs in and around 1910. Because of the huge destruction, the recession and inflation after the World War 1, the situation largely changed and the German ideas began to appear as grim. Thus it was wonders that most of the architects during this times started to drafts visions that included the creation of the brand new cities which were based on Utopian avant grade vision. It had been believed by Scheebary that there would be some of the visually appealing properties associated with the glass. This was the Utopian thought which could raise the culture to the higher level and transform the ideas which had been related to the Older Europe. According to the Utopian vision which had been given by Scheebart, the brick buildings had to be replaced with the radiant and the colourful glass.Some of the most appealing designs had been published by the Alpine architecture. This included the radically enthusiastic sketches which reflected the great buildings that could be made in the mountains of Apls. Unlike many of the other modernist, Taut had espoused a confidence in colour. Similar to that of Scheebart, the vision of Taut was also related to the avant grade designs. This had a huge psychological impact on the designs. It supported the ideas that refraction in the glass can help in making the colours to shine.
In order to do the funding of the same, Taut asked for the melting of some of the old monuments and some other triumphal avenues. He clearly reflected the Utopian concepts and illustrated them efficiently in the form of the designs. Lenin institute was another Avant grade designs which was based on the Utopian visions. When Lenin came into power for the very first time after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the artists and the architects had been searching for completely new architects which can help in symbolizing of the economic policies of the nation. Because of the deep inspiration from the kinetic elements related to the futurists and the cubist artists, the constructive architecture had been further blended by the great technology and spending. Due to the Utopian vision, the bold red became the choice of colour for most of constructive visionaries. For the constructivist, these kinds of ideas had been largely ahead of time. Many of the designs during these times were theoretical. One of the structures was El Lissitzky’s Lenin Tribune which was known for its leaning structure and for its lack of support. Talins monument had been known for the spiral construction.It included the red-painted steel and iron that surrounded the three central spaces which rotated as per the day, month and year.