


因为这个原因,Carlo被送料机的使用,和控制机的机制作嘲笑Carlo是疯了,可怜的–螺杆”痴迷”的家伙被送到疯人院的便利。他不仅仅是一个演员,他是一个故事的人,他是一个讲故事的人,他如何用他的情绪来捕捉观众的注意力。全世界的人们都意识到Charlie Chaplin的作品,以及他如何使用无声电影制作艺术和一种交流和艺术形式。人们没有看到大多数的沉默的演员的电影,但他们肯定知道无声电影的背景,他们把这些电影与Charlie Chaplin。卓别林或破旧的衣服和轮廓的帽子,所有这些都是由唯一的男人Charlie Chaplin经典(dlugos,2000)。他在电影中留下的印记和影响是巨大的,不能轻易克服。他留下了一个标志,将使用一个灵感和适应许多电影制作人和演员。在他的电影从沉默到声音的电影的过渡是困难的,它表明,他想提出的需求和观众的需求。当他熟悉无声电影,以他的作品而闻名,他知道什么是无声的电影应该是什么样子,但仍然改变了他的艺术和电影的声音,并增加了这些影响,以吸引和放在他的观众的脸上的微笑。1935后,电影进入了声音的时代,但卓别林的幽默和夸张的肢体语言的滑稽动作仍然比声音和对话。尽管他是这部电影的主人,但面对电影技术的浪潮,他不得不改变自己,使电影的基础上,现在时代的要求。“现代时间”是卓别林最后一部无声电影。


For that reason, Carlo was used by the feeding machine, and the out of control machine mocks the convenience of the machine making Carlo to be mad and poor –“screw obsession” guy be sent to the bedlam. He was more than an actor for many people he was a story teller and how he used his sentiments to capture the attention of the audience. People around the world are aware of the work of Charlie Chaplin and how he has used silent film making an art and a form of communication and art. People have not seen most of the silent films of the actor but they surely know the background of silent films and they link these films with Charlie Chaplin. Silhouette of Chaplin or shabby suit and the hat all of these are classics by the one and only man Charlie Chaplin (Dlugos, 2000). The mark and influence he has left on cinema is enormous and cannot be overcome easily. He has left a mark that will be used an inspiration and adaptation for many film makers and actors. The transition in his films from silent to sound movies were difficult and it shows that how much he wanted to put forth with the demand and needs of the audience. As he was familiar with silent films and was famous with his work he knew better what a silent film should look like but still transformed his art and cinema by adopting sound and added these effects to attract and put a smile on the faces of his audience. After 1935, the movie entered the sound era, but Chaplin’s funny actions of humour and exaggerated body language is still better than sound and dialogue. Even though he was the master of the film but by facing the wave of movie technology, he had to change himself and make movies based on the present times requirements. “Modern time” is the last silence movie of Chaplin.