




he narrative, true to its winding nature, uncoils its findings in the most important feature of humanity as a competing race across space, time and species: the survival instinct. Perhaps, to the uninitiated, this chapter may come off as slacking; it is anything but that. Written in a monograph format, this narrative does not presume to conform to the standards of the typical anthropologist. It seeks to address the most charming pursuit of an anthropologist, addressing a question that is more than often lost in the rigmarole of jargon, confirmation bias, and excessive apathy to the not-so-gregarious nature of the habitats used by the nomadic human.

As said earlier, McCullough’s work is not only academically vibrant, but also aesthetically pleasing. It is interspersed with a wide variety of infographics, which include tables, photographs, artefacts, illustrations, sketches, and aided by descriptions.

For instance, accompanying this paperback diorama are the subsistence analysis and the artefact analysis. While the former has been critically examined (and widely debated by contemporary and later anthropologists), it cannot be denied that the basis for these observations was nothing less than a comprehensive rendition of over 4000 artefacts, with summary notes on their location ,diagnostics, and miscellaneous notes made by the author in the course of the study. Of particular importance is the lifestyle of the people, the foremost of which is food-gathering. The inhabitants of the Thule region subsisted heavily on hunting and allied activities, and so little was known from the works of Arctic researchers who had embarked on a wide variety of quests across the region, with only minor similarities to McCullough’s approach, notwithstanding her motivation behind the study.

McCullough’s bout with critics comes, interestingly, in the matter of chronology. While McCullough claims that the Thule region inhabitants could in all possibility be one of the earliest races of Eskimos to inhabit the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions; however, this suggestion cannot be inferred from the chronological evidence she presents as a part of the same.