

本文的目的是通过加拿大酒店管理学论文代写-斯科普斯审判的文献比较,结合电影《乘风破浪》,了解斯科普斯审判遗赠的异同。作为本文的主题陈述,《继承者之风》提出了一个错误的观点,即斯科普斯的试验成功地证明了宗教和科学并不是同时进行的,而且这两种力量是相互对立的。简要比较两篇媒体文章的异同之处,以思考斯科普斯审判的遗赠。斯科普斯案是历史上最重要的案件之一,一个人被指控违反了《巴特勒法》。这最终禁止在国家资助的学校教授人类进化。虽然《巴特勒法案》通过了,但国家要求教师们以健全的理论形式来运用人类进化。关键的信念是,对许多人来说,呈现人类进化将导致信仰的毁灭。约翰·t·斯科普斯(John T. Scopes)被起诉将进化论纳入他的学校课程。这最终导致了现代科学与传统宗教观点之间的冲突。该案件包含了一个生动的背景,以及与宗教和科学相关的更大的问题,如案件中所质疑的。

On the other hand, Inherit the Wind is a significant example for the propaganda of history. There was release of Made-for-TV versions in the year 1988 and the year 1999. The movie was continuously swaying opinions related to its viewers while negatively stereotypic the ones in opposition to teach evolution in the form of a fact. It was originally claimed in the film that this should not reflect historical accuracy. However, it can be argued that this fiction tale is a very poor form of rendition for the Scopes Trial. It has been stated by many that it was never intended by the play for being an adequate depiction about the Scopes Trial, but instead appeared commentary to the anti-communist campaign of McCarthy. This was initiated soon after the Second World War.
Understanding Differences and Similarities for the Legacy of Scopes Trial
Scopes was requested to state that he was the one to teach evolution on the substitution for teacher of biology. As a result of the trial, it was claimed by Scopes that he never ended up teaching evolution. Before seeking Scope to teach evolution, the biology teacher was approached but as he has a good marital status with children, it was decided for going with John Scopes, who was single. He was a coach of sports also teaching physics, chemistry and algebra, and was not a teacher of biology. An ad was published by ACLY to look for a teacher who had the willingness to admit evolution was taught in Tennessee for challenging the Butler Act.
The ACLY made an offer for paying the costs of any teacher who had the willingness of testing the law of anti-evolution. In the film, an arrest is made for scopes as he teaches evolution in his class, sending him to jail and remaining there until the trial ended. However, in real terms, an arrest was made against Scopes but he did not have to go to jail. On requesting to be involved in the trial, it was stated that there will be payment of his fine and there will be no involvement of any jail time. The stand of witness was never taken up in the duration of trial. As reflected in the film, there was embarrassment across the citizens of Dayton regarding the negative publicity incurred in the trial.
However, in the real scenario, there was motivation of the businessmen through economic benefits coming due to publicity introduced in the trial. There were clear high hopes depicting that the trial will contribute to rejuvenating the failure of economy. Further ahead, it was reflected in the film that the resident population of Dayton were extreme, ill-mannered and ignorant stating to send back Darrow. However, in reality, there were split opinions across the residents in context with the trial, yet they appeared to be well-mannered and civil. Bryan used to be in opposition to teach evolution as a fact, instead of as a theory.
It was conceded by Bryan in a speech stating the possibility of evolution on earth. He also held the belief that there must be teaching of other major explanations like creation. In addition, no discussion was involved in the trial related to sponges or their rights or abilities to think. As for the audience to switch alliances between Darrow and Bryan in the duration of trial, no evidences are there to support the claim. The audience applauded and laughed on the Defense attorneys and the Prosecution as evidently adequate from the starting of the trial to the ending of the trial.

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