





There are certain children in the children centre that are faced with conduct disorder such children can prove to be acting in a dangerous way that can hurt others too. So there was a strong need to diagnose children having conduct disorder so that they can be given proper treatment. It is not ideal to isolate such children having conduct disorder from other children and there is a strong need to devise some ways that can help them while playing with other children and with loose parts available to them at their playgrounds.
There exists a debate among researchers to check the validity of diagnosis among young children having conduct disorder. There still exists a debate and no consensus has been developed up till now. Few researchers establish that the conduct disorder can contribute effectively to the abnormalities among children therefore it should be treated at once after having diagnosed. In addition to this many researchers depict that it is extremely vague to have an idea about the disorder in early childhood. This is because of the reason that there are few chances of misjudgement while making diagnosis at this stage. It can be said the attributes of diagnosis are commonly seen in young children and that is the reason that those children should be consulted by mental health professionals while having full confidence. Another important factor is that if premature diagnosis is done in the period of early childhood it may contribute towards more serious and dangerous nature of influences. These consequences will not only affect the child but will also be dangerous for his/her family. The entire discussed factors indicate that it is not a wise way to label the child at that early stage.