


特色分数对HQA分数有重要贡献。在Afon Cegin发现了叶状杂物,泥石坝,侧渠,瀑布(<5米),天然梯级,湿林地和天然开阔水域。
这些特征使得Afon Cegin的栖息地质量评估得分为55.在提供的河流名单中,Afon Cegin的栖息地质量得分似乎最高,这意味着由于该地点的自然性,该河流在栖息地的存在下具有最高的多样性。河流的形态和特征主要是由于自然变化和轻微的人为干预造成的。实现河流的得分第二高的是New Dyke,得分为38,远低于55.这个HQA得分表明可能在场地上发生物理变化。



Habitat Quality Assessment HQA Score
Special features score has its vital contribution to the HQA score. Leafy debris, debris dams, side channels, waterfall (<5m), natural cascade, wet woodland and natural open water were found in Afon Cegin.
These features make the Habitat Quality Assessment score of Afon Cegin to be 55. In the provided list of rivers Afon Cegin seems to have highest Habitat Quality Score, which means that the river provides highest diversity in presence of habitats due to naturalness of the site. The pattern and characters of river are mostly due to natural variation with a slight human intervention. The second highest score achieving river is New Dyke, with the score 38, much lower than 55. This HQA score indicates possibility of potential physical changes on the site.

The robustness of HQA can be claimed in the case of inaccurate observations by the surveyor. The score may vary to a significant extent and disturb the ranking in case the surveyor has not put attention in observing various elements, such as if the surveyor has put NV (not visible) in several columns it may result in jeopardized ranking. Or in other case, if features are recorded incorrectly, it will also affect the credibility of River Habitat Survey. Another possibility of mistake lies in extracting the information from a surveyed form and wrong calculations of separate scores of each feature in Habitat Quality Assessment score.