



现行的食品规划制度使能够负担得起逛零售店的人受益,而处于不利地位的人继续为获得高质量的食品而奋斗,在某些情况下还要满足基本的食品必需品。从影片中可以看出,失业会对人们的食品负担能力产生负面影响,这就要求人们减少与食品相关的支出。Steel(2013)概述了一个地区的食品供应如何并不一定意味着该地区的所有家庭都能轻松获得食品。财务状况在决定购买不同食品的能力方面起着中心作用。维多利亚女王(Queen Victoria)去世后的伦敦就是一个例证,因为当时食物短缺不是问题。然而,相当大比例的人口(97%以上)没有能力购买食品,这反映了广泛的贫困。影片还勾勒出,尽管巧克力的供应量很大,查理一家一年只能买一次。Pothukuchi和Kaufman(2000)证实了这一观点,他们认为,在向贫困人口提供食品方面,缺乏对适当食品供应的关注在很大程度上被忽视了。尽管食品消费是人类生存的基本需求之一,但食品规划者却未能将重点放在这一领域。


The film selected for the paper is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005 version, which depicts food consumption patterns of families and the role played by social and economic factors, thus constituting the focal point for the paper. The food consumption patterns in a family are guided by the consumption habits of the adults in the family. In addition to this, the economic position of the family in the society determines the ability of the household to gain access to the food items. The movie shows a poverty ridden family to which Charlie belongs and the experiences of Charlie during the course of the trip to the factory of Willy Wonka, the famous chocolate manufacturer. There is one scene in particular that provides insight into the way, poor food planning system creates issues for the households living in poverty and economic disadvantage. The scenario shows that after Charlie’s father was laid off from the work, Charlie’s mother was upset as he was the only source of income for the household and it meant that she would have to make further adjustment to the already meagre food stock they could access. During the course, it has been discussed how the poorly structured food supply system can be a source of difficulty for the under privileged households. Pothukuchi and Kaufman (2000) have elaborated that the establishment of food management entities doesn’t guarantee bringing any improvement in the overall supply process of the food items from the producers to the consumers.

The current food planning system benefits the people who can afford to visit the retail stores, while the people with a disadvantaged background continue to struggle with gaining access to quality food, and in some cases to fulfil the basic food necessities. As shown in the film, unemployment can exert negative influence on the food affordability, which would require the people to cut down their food related expenses. Steel (2013) has outlined how the supply of food in a region doesn’t necessarily mean that all the households in the area can easily gain access to the food items. The financial position plays a central role in determining the capability to purchase different food items. The case of London after the demise of Queen Victoria has been used to illustrate this point, as the scarcity of food wasn’t an issue at that time. However a significantly large proportion of the population (more than 97%) were not in a position to purchase the food items, thus reflecting wide scale poverty. The movie has also outlined that despite the supply of the chocolate on a large scale, Charlie’s family could only afford to buy the chocolate once a year. Pothukuchi and Kaufman (2000) have corroborated this notion and argued that the lack of focus on the proper supply of food in terms of providing access to those living in poverty has been largely overlooked. Even though food consumption constitutes one of the essential needs of the human existence, the food planners have not been able to focus on this area.