

加拿大管理学论文代写-刘淑勇导演简史。他的工作灵感也来自于他的共同导演朋友帕特里克·谭(Patrick Tam)。1987年,作为他的门生,他为谭写过电影《最终的胜利》(Final Victory)的剧本。他的作品以一种震撼人心的视觉艺术反映了人们的疏离与疏离。他从香港文化中汲取灵感,从香港文化的过往漫游中汲取灵感,复制西方和中国大陆的生活方式和传统。据说导演的作品总是被他内心的自我所激发;他灵魂的一部分总是他想象的或他实际上是什么。王家卫总是描绘出空虚、孤独、主人公和其他角色灵魂深处的一个洞。他在他的人物身上启发了他们正在寻找的深深的自由感。无论我们谈论尤弟在野外寻找他失踪已久的母亲和寻找救赎的日子,还是在世界各地游荡以弥补他们不和谐关系的恋人。

A brief history of Hong Kong’, Shuyong Lau, 2009
Section Two: The Emotional Crisis of Urban Characters
2.1 Space and time—strange cities and human feelings collage a space and individual island
‘Today is 16th …April 16th…1960 April 16th. One minute before 3pm. You are with me. Because of you, I will remember that minute. From now on, we are friends of one minute. This is fact which you cannot deny, because it is past.’
‘I always think that one minute can pass very fast. But sometimes it takes long. One day, one pointed his watch and told me, he would remember me forever for that very minute. It was very pleasant to me. I thought that was really sweet. … But now when I look at the watch, I will tell myself, l have to forget that guy from that very minute.’
‘Days of Being Wild’, 1990
‘The closest moment, is when she and me are 0.01cm away, 57 hours later, l am in love with this lady.’
‘Chungking Express’, 1994
At the beginning of the film Ashes of Time, the Malicious East took a jar of “befuddled” wine to find the Venomous West and told Venomous West that he could completely forget the painful past after drinking the wine. The Malicious East drank the wine and escaped from the past happily. However, the Venomous West did not drink it because he knew that the best things in the world were always in pain. Therefore, he chose to keep his memory. In several interweaved sub-lines in which the Venomous West recruited killers for others to revenge and through constantly shifting the perspectives of the Malicious East, the Venomous West, Hong Qigong and so on, the film slowly revealed the main line of the story. Namely, Murong Yang waited fondly and went mad finally because of the drunken words of the Malicious East (Abbas, 2015). The Malicious East fell in love with the sweetheart of the Venomous West. After The Venomous West defeated a lot of martial arts experts and went home, he only found that his lover had married his full brother and become his sister-in-law. Through the alternation of multiple angles of view, the film weaved a tragedy of dislocation and circulation and revealed the loneliness and frustration of people for their inability to communicate and exchange their feelings with each other.
Martin Heidegger once said, “All of us are thrown into this world.” The formation of this tragedy mainly stems from the plight in which contemporary urbanites are pressured by all sorts of things in the consumption society and find nowhere to go.
Everyone has an instinct of pursuing happiness and avoiding pains. According to Freud, “Self realizes that an external world is provided by those frequently-occurring, inevitable and various pains and unpleasant feelings. The pleasure principle of still exercising the right of free domination orders self to cancel or avoid these feelings.”
“To avoid pains, hence, one of ways for people… is to regard the reality as the source of all pains and the only enemy they cannot tolerate in life. Therefore, a person has to cut off all contact with the reality in order to gain happiness in any way.”

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