


彭博社的这篇文章是关于美国私人股本公司General Atlantic LLC投资巴西企业的消息,即便是在巴西正面临严重衰退、前景令人不快且不确定的时候。本文讨论了General Atlantic对经纪公司XP Investimentos CCTVM SA的投资,以及对连锁药店Pague Menos的另一项投资(Generalatlantic.com, 2016)。这一投资被视为高风险,因为巴西市场因大规模洗车腐败丑闻而陷入缓慢的经济发展轨道,同时也带来了许多政治上的善意。虽然这两家公司的估值并不便宜,但它们的年增长率为20%,而且它们不受监管,但仍在为中产阶级市场服务,这对一般的大西洋航空公司具有吸引力。这一投资正值巴西经济连续第二年萎缩3.5%,而去年同期则为3.8%。


这让人对投资产生疑问,但该公司和其他许多公司一样,将其视为一种优势,因为在这个时候,为中产阶级大众市场服务的不受监管的公司将需要支持,并可能导致长期呈指数级增长(Romero, 2012;林恩和王,2010)。汇率已经大幅下跌,这使得购买一般的大西洋航空公司的费用比不这样做的时候要低。由于雷亚尔在最初下跌后兑美元升值了24%,投资自然而然地带来了人民币升值。该国的国内生产总值(GDP)已大幅下降至1774亿美元(Tradingeconomics.com, 2016),对潜在投资者来说缺乏吸引力。然而,大西洋集团认为,GDP和商业信心的下降,是在企业占领一个大市场之前收购和获得控制权的机会。因此,低汇率和国内生产总值(GDP)数据帮助私人股本公司在不受监管的公司投资巴西时做出了积极的决定,并使这些公司具备了从服务大众中产阶级市场的卓越表现中获得长期收益的能力。


The Bloomberg article is about the news of investments made in Brazilian companies by General Atlantic LLC, a US based private equity firm, even in times when Brazil is facing a severe recession and unpleasant and indecisive outlook for the future. The article talks about the investments made by General Atlantic in a brokerage firm XP Investimentos CCTVM SA, and another investment in a drugstore chain Pague Menos (Generalatlantic.com, 2016). The investment is seen as a high risk one as the Brazilian market is pushed into a slow trajectory of economic progress due to massive Carwash corruption scandal which also took along with it a lot of political goodwill. Though the companies are not cheap in valuation, their growth is at 20% year on year and they are unregulated but still serving the middle class market, which makes it attractive for General Atlantic. The investment comes at a time when the Brazilian economy has shrunk 3.5% for the second consecutive year, the contraction year earlier being 3.8%.

This puts questions about the investments, but the company, like many others, sees it as an advantage since this is the time when the unregulated companies serving the mass market of middle class will need support and can be led to exponential growth in the long term (Romero, 2012; Lynn and Wang, 2010). The exchange rate had been plummeted to a significant decline and this made the buy for General Atlantic pay less than it would have otherwise. Since the real declined initially before gaining 24% to the US dollar, the investment has automatically come up with the currency gaining. The GDP of the country has declined to a significant extent to US $1774 billion (Tradingeconomics.com, 2016), making it unattractive to potential investors. However, the lessening of GDP and business confidence was seen by General Atlantic as a chance to buy companies and gain control before they capture a large market. Thus, the low exchange rates and the GDP figures helped the private equity firm to make positive decisions about investing in Brazil in unregulated companies and equip these companies to reap long term benefits from exceptional performance in serving mass middle class market。