加拿大 essay 代 写:电影《细细的蓝线》阐述的主题


加拿大 essay 代 写:电影《细细的蓝线》阐述的主题


加拿大 essay 代 写:电影《细细的蓝线》阐述的主题

Man feels the brunt of the external pressure and the internal stress. Based on this, human survival instinct or Darwinian Theory of evolution is found to develop. This has been showcased efficiently in the storyline. In many ways, it explores the human emotions of jealousy, greed, egoism and power. In this story, there is a definitive good an evil that can be easily felt by the people. The other human emotions have been beautifully elucidated in the movie and these aspects finds relevance even in the modern times. The technology has not been alluded as something that is bad, but the usage of these technology the flawed individual in the societies are the brunt of the problem that has been showcased in the movie. This movie is an effective elucidation of what is good and bad in the societies. The notions of human emotions and the inherent weakness of the humans have been clearly articulated in the storyline. Even though the genre is fantasy, the elements of the human emotions remain the same. Thin Blue line story is a story of the crime, murder genre.
It is a controversial story that was based on true events. This movie is a unique take on the documentary film genre. This story is about wrongful conviction and true events that had occurred in Dallas. The director of this movie is Errol Morris and this movie is considered to be a classis favourite of the people. It is not a traditional movie that showcases the events. Rather the movie is based on interviews and events that had occurred during that time. The viewers or the audiences of the movie are made to care about the world of Randall Adams who was the accused. David Harris the accuser had wanted to put Adams in jail, owing to the maleficent activity that he assumed that Adams was capable. This was a genuinely interesting documentary that had focused on the events of the trial and the subsequent overturn of the verdict in the trial. This movie does not take any standpoint, but shows the audiences the actual events.