


组织工程是一门新兴的生物材料领域。组织工程是指将细胞、胶原和支架结合,使其生长成结缔组织(Hubbell, 1995)。这些组织工程产品是通过收集接受者自身的一小部分组织而形成的。这种药物没有免疫排斥反应,因为是植入组织而不是移植。生理条件和无菌环境是组织工程的关键要求。有一些特定类型的皮肤产品,其中脱细胞的皮肤产品在许多方面是有用的。脱细胞的皮肤产品在美容手术和烧伤皮肤的有效修复和恢复中非常有用。损伤皮肤的机械护理和宿主结缔组织的有效发育也是其显著的益处(Su et al., 2014)。取供体组织,杀伤细胞,同时保持细胞外基质(ECM)不受损伤,得到天然ECM支架,制成脱细胞产品。然后在供体祖细胞的帮助下使ECM支架再细胞化,使其具有免疫安全性(Crapo, Gilbert和Badylak, 2011)。

为了使这些脱细胞产品在病人需要时随时可用,有必要保存和储存它们。冷冻干燥是储存的过程之一。冷冻干燥过程是一种脱水过程。它的工作原理是将材料冷冻到极低的温度,并降低周围的压力,然后将水的含量从固体升华为气体。这种冻干的材料可以密封,然后在室温下保存几年(Mellor, 1978)。在工业上,冷冻干燥是一个漫长的过程,因为每个阶段都需要大量的时间来完成。据科学家观察,一个900毫升的烧瓶需要48小时才能冷冻干燥。因此,这是一个缓慢的过程。另一个主要缺点是工业冷冻干燥装置的成本。冷冻干燥机的成本使其成为一个昂贵的过程,需要大量的电力/电力需求(Sheridan, Duffy and Murphy, 2013)。因此,可以明显的得出结论,用这种方法代替冷冻干燥工艺可以大大提高生产成本和生产时间,而且成本更低,耗时更短。


Tissue Engineering is a field which emerged from parent-field biomaterials development. Tissue engineering refers to the combining of cells, collagens, and scaffolds and bringing them to growth of connective tissues (Hubbell, 1995). The tissue engineered products are formed from harvesting small tissue portion of the recipient himself. This kind of medication is free from immunological rejection, as implantation of tissues has been conducted rather than transplantation. Physiological conditions and sterile environment are key requirements of tissue engineering.There are certain types of skin products, among which decellularized skin products are useful in a number of ways. Decellularized skin products are useful in cosmetic surgeries and effective repair and restoration of burnt skin. Mechanical care of damaged skin and effective development of host-derived connective tissues are also its significant benefits (Su et al., 2014). Decelularized skin products are created by taking donor tissue and killing the cells while keeping extracellular matrix (ECM) undamaged to get natural ECM scaffold. This ECM scaffold is then recellularized with the help of progenitor cells of donor, which makes it immunologically safe (Crapo, Gilbert and Badylak, 2011).

To keep these decellularized products readily available to the patient when needed, it is necessary to preserve and store them. Freeze drying is one of the processes used for storing. Freeze drying process is a kind of dehydration. It works by freezing the material to extremely lowered temperature, and lowered surrounding pressure and then sublimating the water contents from solid to gas. This freeze dried material can be sealed and then stored at room temperature to preserve for several years (Mellor, 1978). On industrial level, freeze drying is a lengthy process as each stage takes generous time for completion. It has been observed by scientists that a 900 ml flask will take 48 hours to freeze dry. Hence it is a slow process. Another major drawback is the cost of industrial freeze drying setup. The cost of freeze dryers makes it an expensive process with a substantial amount of power/ electricity requirement (Sheridan, Duffy and Murphy, 2013). Therefore, it is obvious conclusion that the production cost and production time can be dramatically improved by replacing the freeze drying process by the way, which is much cheaper and much less time consuming.