


This research work is a detailed literature review on much of the current work on stress in the workplace. The literature review attempts to present how stress is perceived by researchers, and how primary research on stress allows for a model or framework based understanding to control it. It is necessary to understand the impact of stress based on context and general ways. This form of a literature review would be useful for all business structures as general and context specific understanding of the subject is promoted (Haas, 2008).

Given this background context, it is the aim of the proposed research to identify the effects of stress in organizations by means of a detailed literature review on the subject. The proposed research method to be used is a literature review. The research objectives are,
To identify the existing literature viewpoint on stress impact in the workplace.
To identify how stress can be perceived differently under different organizations, workplace situations, individual and workplace personality.
To identify what forms of newer stress impacts exist in contemporary organizations and the actions that are taken in order to control that stress.

The literature review methodology is made use of here. This is a method where available secondary research on the subject of investigation is summarized and critically analysed. The goal of the literature review methodology is to present to the reader the current literature evidence on the subject of investigation. It ensures that future research on the subject also benefits. A good literature review references from many sources and avoids any form of researcher bias. Search, selection and critical referencing are important here (Carnwell & Daly, 2001).
In the understanding of how stress will have an impact on the employees of any organization, it is critical to understand what the existing situation is (Garg & Dhar, 2014). A researcher cannot just jump into a hypothesis or make a claim without knowing the form of existing literature evidence on the subject and in this context, the literature review is important (Carnwell & Daly, 2001). This type of review is useful for the purpose of gathering existing evidence on the subject. A summary and synthesis of the subject is created here. The reader is presented a comprehensive background in inspired evidence. Future researchers will be able to identify research gaps and other inconsistencies for further critical research. From a literature review, they would be able to formulate newer research questions. It is considered that the argument proposed by researchers Beecroft et al. (2006), the author presents that the primary purpose behind a review work is to highlight both knowledge insights from current works and the knowledge gaps in the current works. This will then inspire newer researchers to focus on the knowledge gap in order to identify newer research dimensions. Therefore, it could even be argued that any research work will need to have the literature review as a part of it. This helps present a proper research question (Beecroft et al., 2006).
The literature review follows the norms of good structuring and has made use of traditional and narrative literature norms with respect to analysing the question of stress impact in organizations. The body of literature is not presented to draw conclusions but alternatively, the work is about showing existing research evidence on the subject (Beecroft et al, 2006)

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