


When one talks about more social and psychological evidence to talks about the uniqueness of sex in Homo sapiens, it can be said that they create symbol and signs which are associated with sex, which obviously the animals cannot. For examples, the clothes that are worn by Homo sapiens fetches more purposes than being just utilitarian, as the clothes tend to also be associated with the identification of their sexuality. In their society, the automobiles have taken over the sexual connotations. The concept and the act of athleticism have been linked with sexual prowess. The use of sexually implicit and explicit images in advertisement and motion pictures are used so as to create a hyper for the various said concepts. These advertisements of the said products may not have to do anything with the sexuality of the individuals of Homo sapiens, but they subtly tend to imply the usage of the same may enhance one’s sexual attractiveness. These are some of the ways in which the homos sapiens have developed on the concept and practice of sex, sexuality and various other factors which are associated with the same.
The uniqueness of sex in Homo sapiens does not end there itself. It further incorporates the development of the practise, postures and frequency of it, childbirth and also the child care after birth. The practices of taking care of the young one are absolutely different in animals than what is seen in Homo sapiens.

Thus, in conclusion, it can be said that sex and sexual practices in Homo sapiens are very different from other animals. Other animals, in fact they have been different from the early human beings themselves. The development of the environment and the habitat as whole has also affected the changes and the practices, making it completely different and unique for the homo sapiens, as sex has been given a whole new dimension in this era and the current species of the same.

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