

加拿大代写-手机游戏产业的受众分析。根据Mayra(2015) 2013年的研究,手机游戏产业已经从一个不存在的市场发展到175亿美元的产业。他进一步解释说,手机游戏产业的收入预计将在2017年实现。导致手机游戏产业增长的因素包括重新定义的市场、大型开发商的停滞不前以及不断变化的成本和资金来源。虽然大多数手机游戏的目标受众是儿童,但是Mayra(2015)解释说游戏类别决定了游戏的目标群体。这款游戏的类别缩小了目标受众的范围,并让手机游戏开发商据此设定受众。

According to Mäyrä (2015), the audience of mobile gaming is increasing day by day. One major reason for this rapid increase in the number of mobile game players can be attributed to the rapidly increasing number of mobile game genres that need less or smaller specific gaming audience.
The mobile industry is booming across the globe. The mobile App Store alone is inhabited by a horde of more than 500 thousand titles. The new recruits are tagging along at a rapid pace. The competition within the global gaming industry is growing at an exponential rate. Hence, it is very important to make use of the game categories for any new gaming company in order to identify the target group of their game. It is also important to check out the mobile games that are best performers in the market, deeply analyse them and try to vary strengths and weaknesses that they have.
According to Feijoo et al. (2012), the audience for mobile gaming tends to be younger and comprises of more females as compared to the audience for traditional console games i.e. PlayStation, Wii and Xbox360 games. In addition to this, the access of mobile gaming audience to disposable income is better that of the audience for traditional console games. Moreover, with the successful and rapid penetration of mobile devices as well as wide accessibility or availability of mobile connectivity, gamers around the globe can now be reached by developers at scale and with ease. In addition, with the rapid advancements and developments in mobile technology in different parts of the world, the mobile gamers are easily accessible.
The audience or customer base for mobile gaming is very large and vast. As per data, the audience for mobile gaming is larger than the total global install base or users of PlayStation, Wii and Xbox (Console Games) combined. It is even larger than the audience of portable gaming which includes Sony PSP and Nintendo DS. In the year 2014, the audience of mobile gaming was at nearly 200 million (Band et al., 2016).
The key reason for the increasing audience of mobile games is the increase in the number of mobile game genres. Mobile gaming is the largest entertainment industry for children as well as for people aged between 25 and 30. As per Feijoo et al. (2011), the average age of mobile players is gradually increasing as the players of old age is increasing in number.

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