


社交媒体工具被成功的公司所采用,其目的是实现一系列目标,甚至包括以更有效的方式进行沟通。社交媒体工具被企业用来监测品牌,并对未来的员工进行研究。大多数公司沉迷于推特、博客和社交网络,而不是像过去那样在公司里使用这些工具。这种越来越多地使用社交媒体工具的趋势将在未来继续下去。公司通过其多样的社交媒体工具,解决了多种多样的目的。这些公司使用社交媒体工具的原因有很多。该资料将有助于评估社交媒体工具作为另一种沟通方式的有效性。社交媒体有助于增加客户的需求和需求的价值(Barnes, 2010)。有了这个资源的帮助,公司将很容易传播关于公司的品牌和产品的意识。公司将能够提高自己的能力,以跟上市场和竞争对手的趋势。

这篇文章是可信的,因为它是由诺拉甘尼姆巴恩斯写的,谁是在马萨诸塞大学作为大学校长营销教授和营销研究中心主任。本文介绍了通过品牌社区所扮演的角色来增强客户关系的方法。2002年,McAlexander等人为品牌社区详细阐述了这些元素。在本文中,品牌社区在多大程度上是基于社交媒体为其客户提供利益而进行的行为。社交媒体被用来促进信息的共享,从而加强客户之间的联系。研究结果表明,基于社交媒体的品牌社区可以对品牌产生积极的影响。可能会出现这样一种考虑,即社交媒体在公司运营的所有品牌环境中都不是理想的(Laroche, Habibi, & Richard, 2013)。在某些情况下,企业使用社交媒体可能是有风险的,因为在当前的商业环境下,客户变得比以前更加开明。


The social media tools are adopted by successful companies with an aim of meeting a collection of goals that even include way of communication in a more effective manner. The tools of social media are used by companies for brand monitoring and making research of the perspective employees. Majority of the companies are indulge in tweeting, blogging and social networking more than these were used in companies in past. This trend of increased use of social media tools is going to be continued in future. Diverse and multiple purposes are solved by the companies through its various social media tools. There are various reasons with which the social media tools are used by the companies. The source will help in assessing the effectiveness of social media tools as another way of communication. The social media helps in adding value to the customers’ demands and needs (Barnes, 2010). With the help of this source it will be easy for the companies to spread awareness about the brand and products of the company. The companies will be able to increase their abilities for keeping up with the trends of the market and the competitors.

This article is credible as it is written by Nora Ganim Barnes who is working in the University of Massachusetts as a chancellor professor of marketing and director of the Centre for Marketing Research. In this article the ways in which the customer relationships are enhanced through the role played by the brand communities. In 2002 the elements were elaborated by McAlexander et al. for the brand community. In this article, the limit up to which the brand community is based on the acts performed by social media for providing benefits to its customers. The social media is used to facilitate the sharing of the information so as to enhance the bonds of customers between each other. It is shown by the findings that positive effects can be produced on the brands through the brand communities based on social media. A consideration may arise that social media is not ideal in all the environments for brands in which the companies operate (Laroche, Habibi, & Richard, 2013). The use of social media by companies might prove to be risky in some cases as customers are becoming more enlightened than earlier times in present business environment.