


此外,OzMedCo也可以在这里要求国家仲裁法,1999年第30号法。 OzMedCo公司可以选择Ad Hoc或机构仲裁。如果OzMedCo选择Ad Hoc仲裁,则参考贸易法委员会的仲裁规则。公司OzMedCo可根据印度尼西亚仲裁法第四条第(3)款启动仲裁协议程序,并依法解决官方提出的问题。
非法制造商:OzMedCo将面对国内的知识产权问题。国际知识产权联盟(IIPA)自2005年起宣布,中国必须修改版权法,以纠正WCT和WPPT实施中的不足,并确保外国投资者的版权问题得到透明处理。然而,中国对于最近一次支持世界知识产权组织WIPO的发展之友FOD会议所提出的问题一直没有提出意见。中国没有单独的部门来确保知识产权保护的实现。事实上,国内假冒伪劣药品的数量有所增加。即使是像微软这样的科技公司也受到影响,因为中国市场充斥着更便宜的软件版本。 OzMedCo在中国的非法制造或假冒制造问题是一个非常现实的问题,因为腐败的官员可能无法妥善处理这个问题。公司将不得不采取积极措施,确保药品的配方得到保护。


There are a variety of standard contracts, which are released by publishers, but also by the associations of trade officials and entrepreneurs for the drafting of commercial contracts. All these standard contracts are mean that they cannot take account of the special features of cooperation in individual cases. It should be noted that contract is developed to protect the interest of the both side partied to ensure the happy and trustable business environment.
It is important in the design of a commercial contract adherence with the legal authorities is inevitable. In other words, it should also be noted that a commercial contract should be the replica of predefined governmental laws without any type of conflict with the legal authorities, Hence, it is highly advisable to have proper written contract prior to join any organization to do the job either part time or full time (esquaredlawgroup, 2014). Australia is still now the dream place for lots of people not only inside the Australia but also outside. Each state has its own adaptation of workers’ compensation laws and state laws regulating the responsibility of the employer to the employee. State law also specifies the types of injuries and diseases of the shares and the type of award the victim can be expected to have. The federal law applies only to federal employees or persons engaged in interstate commerce. Accident Compensation covers things such as work-related illness, falls and other accidents in the workplace, but also includes damage to company employees outside of work in certain circumstances. For example, if the employee were required to transport supplies such as job function, injuries suffered in the creation of the offer would probably be covered under workers compensation.