

加拿大代写-麦当劳在玻利维亚市场失败的原因。麦当劳在玻利维亚市场的失败凸显了进入玻利维亚市场的新战略的需要。最近一部纪录片的结论是,麦克唐纳被拒绝不是因为他们不喜欢这种口味,而是因为他们对玻利维亚人的想法。由于靠近安第斯山脉和亚马逊山脉,他们的家门口几乎可以买到新鲜水果。大多数的人口是在贫困地区,使得麦当劳的产品超出了他们到达(Backhaus,布鲁里溃疡̈schken Voeth, 2006)。当企业计划进入海外市场时,它将自己暴露在巨大的风险、有一定控制力的人的选择和经济条件等方面。战略营销决策的制定与实施是战略营销过程中最困难的任务。

Stability of market – The customer should find the product useful throughout the year. Economic factors determine the stability. In the country like Bolivia, a recession occurs frequently. It erodes the purchasing capacity of the people. McDonalds should implement a strategy, which can help to remain profitable in adverse conditions. The product launched should remain in demands throughout the year. It has been widely known that there is a change in food habits among the people with the change in seasons (Kleindl, 2007). The demands of McDonald’s product should not be affected by the change in weather conditions.

As per the diverse demand of the company’s product, the consumer purchasing decisions based on the best quality of food innovation would be the new marketing program at the most affordable price.
The products of McDonald should adopt the markets such as technological, legal, political, economic and the climate need of international market based on the different cultures of individual territories (Kotler and Armstrong, 2016). Cultural change of products may boost the company to meet the needs of the product. The company should follow the important factor of products and services when designing the global marketing program.

As per the global marketing mix of the price segment, the pricing techniques should be executed in the manner that consumers can easily grow their choices than the other competitor’s products and services. The price segment of the products of McDonald should follow the company goals, segments, consumer preferences, product market structure and the intensity of competitions. The management of McDonald needs to focus on the export price, escalation to make the shipping price and the insurance, tariffs (Kotler and Keller, 2016). Inflation should be focused on the management which is a concern about uncontrolled inflation and intense. If inflation rates are rampant or uncontrolled, then some alternatives of counter inflation should be engaged as per the changing components product inflation. Exchange rates and transfer pricing are matters in this case of McDonald as per designing the global marketing program for entering the new markets (Kotler et al., 2015). In this situation of deciding the price segment, the management needs to focus on Anti-dumping regulations, which is considered when deciding the global price.

Similarly, the McDonald’s management should focus on the pricing method to minimize the future challenges for entering into the new markets.

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