


侵权行为是对某人或财产所犯的错误或伤害的一种形式。香港法中的侵权过错责任。它与执法人员所涉及的刑法不太相似。合同法有一些重叠的成分,也有一些重大的差异。侵权责任不是约定的责任,更多的是承担的义务。如果合同义务只能由签署合同的当事人承担,侵权责任将扩大到受其影响的所有人。侵权行为的根本依据是寻求损害赔偿。一些香港的法律规定,将为占领者责任条例侵权起到关键作用(第314),致命意外条例(Cap 22)和民事责任(贡献)条例(第377)。在就业方面是雇员补偿条例(第282),尘肺病(补偿)条例(第360),职业性失聪(补偿)条例(第469),和非法定的交通事故受害者的赔偿方案(由交通事故受害者的资助(援助基金)条例(第229)。



A tort is a form of wrong or a harm that has been done to a person or property. Tort in Hong Kong law is fault-based liability. It is not similar to criminal law where the law enforcement officials are involved. There are some overlapping elements with contract law and some major differences too. Tort liability is not an agreed upon liability, it is more of obligations owed. Where contractual obligations might be owed only to the parties that signed the contracts, the tort obligations will extend to everyone affected by it. The very basis of tort is to seek damages. Some of the statutory provisions of Hong Kong that will play a key role in Tort as the Occupiers Liability Ordinance (Cap 314), Fatal Accidents Ordinance (Cap 22) and the Civil Liability (Contribution) and Ordinance (Cap 377). In terms of employment it is Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Cap 282), the Pneumoconiosis (Compensation) Ordinance (Cap 360), the Occupational Deafness (Compensation) Ordinance (Cap 469), and the non-statutory Traffic Accident Victims Compensation Scheme (funded by the Traffic Accident Victims (Assistance Fund) Ordinance (Cap 229).

A tort can be classified into three types, one is the intentional tort, where it is assumed that person intended to damage. A negligence on the other hand is when a person injured person or property despite owing a duty of care because they were careless. On the other hand a strict liability is one where the person has not been intentional nor has been negligent but is seen to be liable nevertheless. The plaintiff here is not required to prove the fault of the defendant.