


在分析情况后,我发现我的预订部门和前台工作人员都按照培训的原则工作,并且符合酒店的现行指导原则。这是一件好事!但是,糟糕的是,低预订可能是一个管理问题。例如,似乎没有关于什么时候客户可以退房或办理登机手续的指引。很多时候,客人不会出现。没有入场券,入住和退房手续的准则短缺,给酒店员工的许多部分带来了压力,并可能对住宿中的许多问题负责(Kimes,S.E. 2003)。



As a new revenue manager at Establishment hotel have faced many issues in the periodical reports. Occupancy ratios are rather low, despite the demand is usually high. There is possibility that staffs in the reservation office and at the front desk are making mistakes.
After analysing the circumstances, I locates that both my reservation office and front-desk staffs are working as they were trained as well as consistent with the hotel’s active guidelines. This is a good thing! But, the bad thing is that low booking might be an administration issue. For instance, it appears that there’re no guidelines concerning when customers might check out or check in. Many times, guests don’t show up whatever. The shortage of guidelines associated with no-shows, check-in and check-out has put a stress on many sections on the hotel’s employees and possibly accountable for many of the issues with lodging (Kimes, S.E. 2003).

Refining Duration Span
Duration span isn’t the same in all hotels of Sydney, Australia. There’re many hotels here that sell hotel rooms for just few hours. For instance, Sydney airport hotels sell rooms for 5-6 hours. Many other hotels might sell for changing durations, counting for a whole 24 hours. In spite of, the duration of room accessibility is controlled in that the hotel room can be filled after a particular time and should be evacuated by some other particular time (Orkin, E. B. 1988). For other businesses, the time span isn’t so clearly managed. The circumstance suitable for revenue management is controlled time interval. Provided that the duration is controlled by the staff, yield management can be utilized efficiently.
Revenue managers looking to make use of resources like hotel rooms and filling space efficiently have to manage the duration of occupancy related with these resources. While duration isn’t controlled, hotel rooms are expected to remain vacant and chances for revenue are expected to be missed.